++ Please route to appropriate personnel ++
Everyone -
Elmhurst has encountered a few problems in migrating their data, as a result we have not as yet updated their SWAN patron records to Reciprocal Borrowing patrons. Neither have we deleted all their holds.
Our intent is to complete these two projects as soon Elmhurst resolves their problems. Until such time, if a Elmhurst patron visits your library please re-register them as a RB patron. If you should generate any holds for Elmhurst patrons, please decline them and then cancel the hold.
As soon as we hear from Elmhurst that they have completed their data migration we will update the patrons and cancel the holds and notify our SWAN libraries.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056
++ Please route to appropriate personnel ++
The River Forest Public Library will be closed for interior renovations from Monday, September 9th through Friday, September 13th. Regular hours resume on Saturday, September 14th at 9AM.
River Forest library staff will be in the building and reachable by phone during the week if you should need to confer with them.
Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056
Everyone -
Since the recent SWAN upgrade we have experienced a problem with the generic patron records of our Internet Access and Enhanced Access contracting libraries. This problem is causing broken holds and locked records. We have taken actions this morning to freeze all Internet Access and Enhanced Access holds and block these generic patrons from placing any further holds until Innovative has a solution to this problem. Hopefully, this will eliminate the broken holds and locked records problem from occurring in the future.
In order to enable these new settings you need to have everyone log out and log back into Millennium at your library. Please spread the word and log out and log in now.
Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056
SWAN Member Libraries:
The SWAN ILS Search Committee met today and is beginning to review the five RFP responses that were received.
Responses to SWAN's RFP came from:
* Equinox
* Innovative Interfaces Sierra
* Polaris
* SirsiDynix
* VTLS/Virtua
Additionally, the ILS Search Committee would like to share a few points with you:
* Just a reminder that information in SWAN's RFP should not be discussed with any vendors or with any individuals or organizations outside of SWAN.
Responses to SWAN's RFP are posted on the SWAN Members Only website.
* Please remember that the responses to SWAN's RFP, or any information in the responses, should not be shared with any vendors or with any individuals or organizations outside of SWAN.
* The Code of Silence that we have been maintaining through this ILS search process extends through the ILA and Internet Librarian conferences and continues until a contract has been signed.
* Please continue to refer any questions you may receive from vendors to Aaron Skog.
Meeting dates for SWAN ILS Task Forces are posted on L2.
Vendor demonstrations
* While tentative dates have been established for the October vendor demonstrations, registration for the demonstrations is not yet open. The SWAN ILS Committee is still working on the schedule and we will announce when you may begin registering.
Your ILS Committee,
Aaron Skog, SWAN, Co-Chair, aaron.skog(a)railslibraries.info<mailto:aaron.skog@railslibraries.info<mailto:aaron.skog@railslibraries.info%3cmailto:aaron.skog@railslibraries.info>>
Jeannie Dilger, La Grange, Co-Chair, dilgerj(a)lagrangelibrary.org<mailto:dilgerj@lagrangelibrary.org<mailto:dilgerj@lagrangelibrary.org%3cmailto:dilgerj@lagrangelibrary.org>>
Kate Boyle, SWAN, kate.boyle(a)railslibraries.info<mailto:kate.boyle@railslibraries.info<mailto:kate.boyle@railslibraries.info%3cmailto:kate.boyle@railslibraries.info>>
Mary Lou Coffman, SWAN, marylou.coffman(a)railslibraries.info<mailto:marylou.coffman@railslibraries.info<mailto:marylou.coffman@railslibraries.info%3cmailto:marylou.coffman@railslibraries.info>>
Pilar Shaker, Hinsdale, pshaker(a)hinsdalelibrary.info<mailto:pshaker@hinsdalelibrary.info<mailto:pshaker@hinsdalelibrary.info%3cmailto:pshaker@hinsdalelibrary.info>>
Tony Siciliano, SWAN, tony.siciliano(a)railslibraries.info<mailto:tony.siciliano@railslibraries.info<mailto:tony.siciliano@railslibraries.info%3cmailto:tony.siciliano@railslibraries.info>>
Ahren Sievers, Elmwood Park, asievers(a)elmwoodparklibrary.org<mailto:asievers@elmwoodparklibrary.org<mailto:asievers@elmwoodparklibrary.org%3cmailto:asievers@elmwoodparklibrary.org>>
Rebecca Teasdale, Oak Park, rteasdale(a)oppl.org<mailto:rteasdale@oppl.org<mailto:rteasdale@oppl.org%3cmailto:rteasdale@oppl.org>>
Vickie Totton, Cicero, vtotton(a)cicerolibrary.org<mailto:vtotton@cicerolibrary.org<mailto:vtotton@cicerolibrary.org%3cmailto:vtotton@cicerolibrary.org>>
Stacy Wittmann, Eisenhower, wittmannS(a)eisenhowerpld.org<mailto:wittmannS@eisenhowerpld.org<mailto:wittmannS@eisenhowerpld.org%3cmailto:wittmannS@eisenhowerpld.org>>
Tony Siciliano
SWAN Bibliographic Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5143
Fax: 630.734.5056
*** Please Route to Appropriate Personnel***
Elmhurst will be leaving SWAN this coming weekend. Today we implemented planned changes in MilCirc to Elmhurst parameters. As stated in the memo that was distributed earlier, Elmhurst holds will no longer appear on SWAN title paging lists as of today. In addition, Elmhurst items are no longer holdable to other SWAN patrons.
However, SWAN items may still be trapping holds for pickup at Elmhurst upon checkin. Please attempt to decline all holds for pickup at Elmhurst PL.
After Elmhurst patron holds have been migrated to their new system, SWAN staff will cancel all the remaining Elmhurst patron holds on SWAN.
If you should have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Have a good week.
Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056