++Please route to appropriate staff++
As promised we have assembled a spreadsheet that lists all users affected by the
SirsiDynix SMS server issue. We have pulled User IDs from the notice report logs. If the
same user should have received multiple notices you will see their User ID listed multiple
times. The notices that were affected were:
* 1st Overdue
* 2nd Overdue
* Courtesy
* Hold Pickup
* Hold Pickup Reminder
It is up to you to decide if you want to contact your patrons for any of the notices, just
make sure to check their records as they may have checked their accounts online or
received a reminder notice in some other format and subsequently checked out or returned
their material.
Vickie Totton
Consultant, Member Services
vickie@swanlibraries.net<mailto:vickie@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-8714
**Please note my new contact information**
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> *