SWAN is preparing to roll out new themes and several new features for Enterprise! SWAN
libraries will get their themes in batches by the end of Friday, June 10th.
Here is a list of changes to look for:
* Your local holdings will now show in the list of search results so you
don't need to go into the full record to see what's on the shelf
* The content at the top of the detailed display has been compressed to reduce
* The bottom of the detailed display now uses tabs to present information; please
note that this is still a little buggy and will sometimes show the drawers instead
* The display of personal information now looks different and includes patron
expiration date and last activity date
* More space for library logo; all themes now have white background in header
* The library logo now links to the Enterprise home page instead of your
library's home page
* Updated themes! If you want to change your color scheme, please submit a help ticket
Clicker here for screen
Dave Pacin
SWAN Support Specialist
Reaching Across Illinois Library System
Burr Ridge Office
Phone: 630.734.5151
Fax: 630.734.5056