This week, we have gifts for both staff and patrons!…
The SWAN Migration newsletter "The Journey Ahead" issue 3 for staff is now
available. This will be our final newsletter pre- go live, and so we've tried to
include helpful pointers about what to expect, an updated timeline, what will be changing,
and all of the "need to know" items for patrons.
Also available is a patron Quick Start Guide, created by PR staff at Eisenhower Public
Library and adapted for SWAN member library use. I do also have a writeable Publisher
version for you to edit as you see fit, if you would like it. Please email me directly if
you'd like the writeable version, as I could not attach it to the website post.
Our bookmark #3 is scheduled to be delivered this week to Burr Ridge, so I hope to have
those packed and out to you by next week. I know that you probably have some extra green
bookmarks still left over, so it is totally fine to have both out for patrons. Bookmark #3
alerts patrons to our expected "offline" time of April 11-13, and what this will
mean for them.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions. Just a few more weeks until the
big day!
Brande Overbey
SWAN Office Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5164
Fax: 630.734.5056<>