SWAN Member Libraries and Information Technology Staff:
Due to a recent update to Enterprise BLUEcloud payment forms, the Internet Explorer based
Public Web Browser (PWB) is not able to properly display the ProPay transaction page.
Libraries using the IE Public Web Browser at their PACs may be unable to process payments
through Enterprise and will receive payment errors when this occurs.
While the use of Public Web Browser is not officially supported by SirsiDynix for use with
Enterprise, they have confirmed that the Chrome based Public Web Browser is able to
process ProPay payments without issue.
If you are currently using PWB for IE, we recommend upgrading your installation to the
current version of PWB for Chrome.
PWB for Chrome can be downloaded from TeamSoftware Solutions here:
The current RAILS license for PWB will work with the Chrome version. The RAILS license is
available here (login required):
Thank you,
Ian Nosek
System Administrator
ian@swanlibraries.net<mailto:ian@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-5886
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> *