Just to further clarify - the Symphony/WorkFlows server is now accessible. Please login to WorkFlows normally.
SIP2 connectivity (for AMH, self-check, PC reservation) is currently down, but we'll be opening the connection again shortly.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: Steven Schlewitt
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 9:53 AM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net; swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net; swantech(a)list.swanlibraries.net
Subject: *Resolved* SWAN Server Migration Issues on 1/14 *Please Use Offline*
SWAN Member Library Staff:
We believe to have pinpointed the issue that caused our early morning load spike. We've reopened connections to WorkFlows, but continue to troubleshoot issues with the SIP2 service.
Please login to WorkFlows as usual and await further updates regarding the SIP2 service.
Thank you for your patience.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: SWANcom <swancom-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom-bounces@list.swanlibraries.net>> On Behalf Of Rudy Host
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:47 AM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom@list.swanlibraries.net>
Subject: [SWANcom] SWAN Server Migration Issues *Please Use Offline*
SWAN Member Library Staff:
We are currently experiencing some high load issues with the Symphony server. Please use offline mode while we investigate the problem. We will send an update when we have more information and when it is safe to log in normally.
Thank you for your patience throughout the migration process.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
SWAN Member Library Staff:
We believe to have pinpointed the issue that caused our early morning load spike. We've reopened connections to WorkFlows, but continue to troubleshoot issues with the SIP2 service.
Please login to WorkFlows as usual and await further updates regarding the SIP2 service.
Thank you for your patience.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: SWANcom <swancom-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net> On Behalf Of Rudy Host
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 8:47 AM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net
Subject: [SWANcom] SWAN Server Migration Issues *Please Use Offline*
SWAN Member Library Staff:
We are currently experiencing some high load issues with the Symphony server. Please use offline mode while we investigate the problem. We will send an update when we have more information and when it is safe to log in normally.
Thank you for your patience throughout the migration process.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
SWAN Member Library Staff:
We are currently experiencing some high load issues with the Symphony server. Please use offline mode while we investigate the problem. We will send an update when we have more information and when it is safe to log in normally.
Thank you for your patience throughout the migration process.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
SWAN Member Library Staff:
We've successfully completed our server infrastructure migration to the cloud! The new SWAN Symphony server in the Microsoft Azure Cloud has finished the regularly scheduled overnight maintenance reports and is now available for use.
A few things to note:
* Please login to WorkFlows and perform all functions as usual. No further downtime is expected today. Additionally, we will not need to use Offline this morning.
* Acquisitions departments - we'll be performing some additional testing later this morning before reenabling acquisitions reports. Please watch for an update later this morning.
* Our report schedule is currently on-track, with most reports running as scheduled.
* All regularly scheduled reports will run as expected today. This includes autorenewals, patron notices, and clean holds shelf.
* BLUECloud Analytics statistics may be delayed by one day. We expect this will be caught up tomorrow (Tuesday) morning.
* All Enterprise, payment, and authentication services are operating as expected, with the exception of item availability in the search display due to ongoing troubleshooting.
* The new server uses the hostname api.in.swanlibraries.net (same as our previous server). As long as your WorkFlows client is pointing to this hostname, you'll login to the server as usual.
* No changes are needed to SIP2 devices or software referring to the current hostname.
We'll send additional SWANcoms and news posts if any substantial issues arise, so please continue to watch throughout the day. Additionally, if you encounter any issues or oddities, please send them to help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net> so that we can investigate further.
Thank you for your patience throughout the migration process.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
SWAN Member Library Staff:
The SWAN Symphony server migration is underway! We’ll send an update via SWANcom and support site post<https://support.swanlibraries.net/news/2018-12/66379> when our overnight work has completed, likely early tomorrow morning.
As a reminder, please be prepared to start the morning with WorkFlows in Offline Mode<https://support.swanlibraries.net/documentation/64828> unless we give the all-clear prior.
Thank you for your continued patience.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: Steven Schlewitt
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 9:16 AM
To: 'swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net>; 'swantech(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swantech(a)list.swanlibraries.net>; 'swancirc(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swancirc(a)list.swanlibraries.net>
Subject: *Reminder* SWAN Server Migration on Sunday, Jan 13th from 6pm through Jan 14th AM
SWAN Member Library Staff:
Just another quick reminder for this weekend’s server infrastructure migration. Please refer to the original news posting<https://support.swanlibraries.net/news/2018-12/66379> for the full details.
A couple of quick notes for this reminder:
* Please remember to freeze acquisitions processing today after 12pm and for the remainder of the weekend to avoid order issues. We’ll send a SWANcom as soon as acquisitions is clear to resume following the migration.
* Access to digital materials through services such as Overdrive, Axis360, and Hoopla will be unavailable during the migration process. Materials checked out this weekend prior to the Sunday/6pm migration may be cached and remain available with select digital services, however.
Look for our next SWANcom just prior to the start of the migration on Sunday.
Thank you.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: Steven Schlewitt
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2019 8:57 AM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom@list.swanlibraries.net>; swantech(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swantech@list.swanlibraries.net>; 'swancirc(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swancirc(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancirc@list.swanlibraries.net>>
Subject: *Reminder* SWAN Server Migration on Sunday, Jan 13th from 6pm through Jan 14th AM
Importance: High
SWAN Member Library Staff:
We’re on-schedule for this weekend’s server infrastructure migration! Please review our original posting<https://support.swanlibraries.net/news/2018-12/66379> and email help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net> if you have any questions or encounter any issues.
To reiterate our quick notes relating to the migration:
* Migration starts at 6pm on Sunday, January 13th and extends into the early morning of Monday, January 14th.
* SWAN staff will send a SWANcom in the morning of January 14th to give the “all clear” to login and begin using the migrated server.
* This migration will require a FREEZE of all Acquisitions services on Friday, January 11th at 12pm, that extends through to the completion of the migration.
* Acquisitions performed during the freeze period will potentially cause order issues.
* No WorkFlows client updates or hostname changes are necessary to accommodate this change.
* SIP2-based PCReservation libraries should verify that their server is referencing the hostname and not the IP address. This feature is available in PCReservation 4.5+
* Monday, January 14th’s morning report schedule WILL experience delays due to the shift of overnight maintenance.
* Please avoid scheduling unnecessary reports until the schedule has caught up.
* BLUECloud Analytics statistics will likely be one day off. These will catch up on Tuesday, Jan 15th.
* Library staff may need to start Monday, January 14th using Offline mode<https://support.swanlibraries.net/documentation/64828> if the migration takes us into the morning.
* *NEW: We strongly recommend having your IT staff or contractors available and on-site on Monday the 14th as some libraries may need internal network/routing changes that cannot be performed by SWAN IT staff.
* *NEW: SWAN will be implementing a new volume email service this week (prior to the migration) to help us better control and monitor email notification success from the new environment.
* This new service should not require any changes by the library or patron, but we’ll issue further notice if email spam rules or anything of the sort will need to be modified to accommodate.
We’ll issue an additional reminder SWANcom later this week and a notice when the migration begins. Additionally, be sure to watch SWANcom on the morning of the 14th for the all-clear to login.
Thank you.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: swancom-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom-bounces@list.swanlibraries.net> <swancom-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom-bounces@list.swanlibraries.net>> On Behalf Of webmaster(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:webmaster@swanlibraries.net>
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 2:24 PM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom@list.swanlibraries.net>
Subject: [SWANcom] SWAN Server Migration on Sunday, Jan 13th from 6pm through Jan 14th AM
Message from sender:
From the SWAN Support Website:
Published on SWAN (https://support.swanlibraries.net)
SWAN Server Migration on Sunday, Jan 13th from 6pm through Jan 14th AM
12/05/2018 - 14:23 - by Steven Schlewitt
SWAN Member Library Staff:
We’re at the last milestone of the SWAN server infrastructure migration project! On Sunday, January 13th at 6pm, SWAN IT will work with SirsiDynix engineers to migrate our server data to the new server infrastructure host in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. This migration could take the entire evening into Monday morning, so please check SWANcom and the SWAN support site first thing on Monday morning prior to your initial login.
Unlike the past two milestones in this project, no additional work will be required on the library’s side to accommodate this change. SWAN IT staff are currently wrapping up the coordination of VPN changes with the Network Self-Maintainer libraries, but the Symphony WorkFlows server will continue to use the hostname, api.in.swanlibraries.net and will continue to be accessible exclusively over the SWAN VPN. Some changes to the traffic routing on your library network may be needed – an upcoming benchmark of our new environment will help to determine if this is at all necessary.
The Important Details:
What? Symphony server Cloud migration
When? Begins at 6pm. on Sunday, January 13th concluding the morning of Monday, January 14th. (Migration is scheduled after library hours)
Who is Impacted? Primarily overnight/online patrons and potentially early morning library staff
* Circulation/Reference Staff: Potentially use WorkFlows in Offline mode on Monday, January 14th unless the all-clear is given prior to open.
* Cataloging/Tech Services Staff: Observe the Acquisitions freeze from Friday, January 11th until notified via SWANcom (expectedMonday, January 14th).
* Information Technology Staff: If you are a Self-Maintenance VPN library, Rudy Host will be reaching out to you (if he hasn’t already) to configure a new VPN. Additionally, your library may need to adjust network traffic routes if any changes have been made internally in your library (not present on your Sonicwall). Otherwise for libraries with Sonicwalls managed by SWAN IT, the necessary changes should already be in-place.
* Patrons: Will be unable to access My Account, Item Availability, Payments, and Holds functions in Enterprise during the migration.
Service Availability During the Migration (after 6pm on Sunday the 13th)
* Symphony/WorkFlows Server
* No access to SIP2 or Web Services 3rd Party Vendor Integrations (databases, electronic media)
* No access to SIP2 Hardware/Software Integration (AMH, self-check, PC reservation, print release)
* No access to WorkFlows
* Enterprise
* Full access to current item records and searching (cached data)
* No access to My Account features
* No access to place holds
* No access to commerce/payment functions
* No access to item availability
* BLUEcloud Applications
* Full access to BLUEcloud Analytics
* Full access to BCA report functions
* Statistics from November 7th, 8th will not be accessible until later in the week
* BCA Reports will be generated and emailed as scheduled
* No access to Bookmyne
* No access to MobileCirc
Quick Notes…
* Migration starts at 6pm on Sunday, January 13th and extends into the early morning of Monday, January 14th.
* SWAN staff will send a SWANcom in the morning of January 14th to give the “all clear” to login and begin using the migrated server.
* This migration will require a FREEZE of all Acquisitions services on Friday, January 11th at 12pm, that extends through to the completion of the migration.
* Acquisitions performed during the freeze period will potentially cause order issues.
* No WorkFlows client updates or hostname changes are necessary to accommodate this change.
* SIP2-based PCReservation libraries should verify that their server is referencing the hostname and not the IP address. This feature is available in PCReservation 4.5+
* Monday, January 14th’s morning report schedule WILL experience delays due to the shift of overnight maintenance.
* Please avoid scheduling unnecessary reports until the schedule has caught up.
* BLUECloud Analytics statistics will likely be one day off. These will catch up on Tuesday, Jan 15th.
* Library staff may need to start Monday, January 14th using Offline mode<https://support.swanlibraries.net/documentation/64828> if the migration takes us into the morning.
Server Environment Test Announcement
Watch SWANcom later this week for an announcement and details of a test of the new server environment. The test will take place on Thursday, December 13th between 10am-12pm and will require each library to perform a few simple WorkFlows functions in the new server environment and submit a FormSite survey.
Questions or comments? Please contact SWAN Support
If you have any questions, comments, or run into any difficulties on the day of the migration, please email help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net> to create a ticket in the SWAN support system or contact SWAN Support directly by calling 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542) and dial 0 for immediate assistance.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
Source URL: https://support.swanlibraries.net/news/2018-12/66379
SWAN Member Library Staff:
We’re on-schedule for this weekend’s server infrastructure migration! Please review our original posting<https://support.swanlibraries.net/news/2018-12/66379> and email help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net> if you have any questions or encounter any issues.
To reiterate our quick notes relating to the migration:
* Migration starts at 6pm on Sunday, January 13th and extends into the early morning of Monday, January 14th.
* SWAN staff will send a SWANcom in the morning of January 14th to give the “all clear” to login and begin using the migrated server.
* This migration will require a FREEZE of all Acquisitions services on Friday, January 11th at 12pm, that extends through to the completion of the migration.
* Acquisitions performed during the freeze period will potentially cause order issues.
* No WorkFlows client updates or hostname changes are necessary to accommodate this change.
* SIP2-based PCReservation libraries should verify that their server is referencing the hostname and not the IP address. This feature is available in PCReservation 4.5+
* Monday, January 14th’s morning report schedule WILL experience delays due to the shift of overnight maintenance.
* Please avoid scheduling unnecessary reports until the schedule has caught up.
* BLUECloud Analytics statistics will likely be one day off. These will catch up on Tuesday, Jan 15th.
* Library staff may need to start Monday, January 14th using Offline mode<https://support.swanlibraries.net/documentation/64828> if the migration takes us into the morning.
* *NEW: We strongly recommend having your IT staff or contractors available and on-site on Monday the 14th as some libraries may need internal network/routing changes that cannot be performed by SWAN IT staff.
* *NEW: SWAN will be implementing a new volume email service this week (prior to the migration) to help us better control and monitor email notification success from the new environment.
* This new service should not require any changes by the library or patron, but we’ll issue further notice if email spam rules or anything of the sort will need to be modified to accommodate.
We’ll issue an additional reminder SWANcom later this week and a notice when the migration begins. Additionally, be sure to watch SWANcom on the morning of the 14th for the all-clear to login.
Thank you.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: swancom-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom-bounces@list.swanlibraries.net> <swancom-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom-bounces@list.swanlibraries.net>> On Behalf Of webmaster(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:webmaster@swanlibraries.net>
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 2:24 PM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom@list.swanlibraries.net>
Subject: [SWANcom] SWAN Server Migration on Sunday, Jan 13th from 6pm through Jan 14th AM
Message from sender:
From the SWAN Support Website:
Published on SWAN (https://support.swanlibraries.net)
SWAN Server Migration on Sunday, Jan 13th from 6pm through Jan 14th AM
12/05/2018 - 14:23 - by Steven Schlewitt
SWAN Member Library Staff:
We’re at the last milestone of the SWAN server infrastructure migration project! On Sunday, January 13th at 6pm, SWAN IT will work with SirsiDynix engineers to migrate our server data to the new server infrastructure host in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. This migration could take the entire evening into Monday morning, so please check SWANcom and the SWAN support site first thing on Monday morning prior to your initial login.
Unlike the past two milestones in this project, no additional work will be required on the library’s side to accommodate this change. SWAN IT staff are currently wrapping up the coordination of VPN changes with the Network Self-Maintainer libraries, but the Symphony WorkFlows server will continue to use the hostname, api.in.swanlibraries.net and will continue to be accessible exclusively over the SWAN VPN. Some changes to the traffic routing on your library network may be needed – an upcoming benchmark of our new environment will help to determine if this is at all necessary.
The Important Details:
What? Symphony server Cloud migration
When? Begins at 6pm. on Sunday, January 13th concluding the morning of Monday, January 14th. (Migration is scheduled after library hours)
Who is Impacted? Primarily overnight/online patrons and potentially early morning library staff
* Circulation/Reference Staff: Potentially use WorkFlows in Offline mode on Monday, January 14th unless the all-clear is given prior to open.
* Cataloging/Tech Services Staff: Observe the Acquisitions freeze from Friday, January 11th until notified via SWANcom (expectedMonday, January 14th).
* Information Technology Staff: If you are a Self-Maintenance VPN library, Rudy Host will be reaching out to you (if he hasn’t already) to configure a new VPN. Additionally, your library may need to adjust network traffic routes if any changes have been made internally in your library (not present on your Sonicwall). Otherwise for libraries with Sonicwalls managed by SWAN IT, the necessary changes should already be in-place.
* Patrons: Will be unable to access My Account, Item Availability, Payments, and Holds functions in Enterprise during the migration.
Service Availability During the Migration (after 6pm on Sunday the 13th)
* Symphony/WorkFlows Server
* No access to SIP2 or Web Services 3rd Party Vendor Integrations (databases, electronic media)
* No access to SIP2 Hardware/Software Integration (AMH, self-check, PC reservation, print release)
* No access to WorkFlows
* Enterprise
* Full access to current item records and searching (cached data)
* No access to My Account features
* No access to place holds
* No access to commerce/payment functions
* No access to item availability
* BLUEcloud Applications
* Full access to BLUEcloud Analytics
* Full access to BCA report functions
* Statistics from November 7th, 8th will not be accessible until later in the week
* BCA Reports will be generated and emailed as scheduled
* No access to Bookmyne
* No access to MobileCirc
Quick Notes…
* Migration starts at 6pm on Sunday, January 13th and extends into the early morning of Monday, January 14th.
* SWAN staff will send a SWANcom in the morning of January 14th to give the “all clear” to login and begin using the migrated server.
* This migration will require a FREEZE of all Acquisitions services on Friday, January 11th at 12pm, that extends through to the completion of the migration.
* Acquisitions performed during the freeze period will potentially cause order issues.
* No WorkFlows client updates or hostname changes are necessary to accommodate this change.
* SIP2-based PCReservation libraries should verify that their server is referencing the hostname and not the IP address. This feature is available in PCReservation 4.5+
* Monday, January 14th’s morning report schedule WILL experience delays due to the shift of overnight maintenance.
* Please avoid scheduling unnecessary reports until the schedule has caught up.
* BLUECloud Analytics statistics will likely be one day off. These will catch up on Tuesday, Jan 15th.
* Library staff may need to start Monday, January 14th using Offline mode<https://support.swanlibraries.net/documentation/64828> if the migration takes us into the morning.
Server Environment Test Announcement
Watch SWANcom later this week for an announcement and details of a test of the new server environment. The test will take place on Thursday, December 13th between 10am-12pm and will require each library to perform a few simple WorkFlows functions in the new server environment and submit a FormSite survey.
Questions or comments? Please contact SWAN Support
If you have any questions, comments, or run into any difficulties on the day of the migration, please email help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net> to create a ticket in the SWAN support system or contact SWAN Support directly by calling 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542) and dial 0 for immediate assistance.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
Source URL: https://support.swanlibraries.net/news/2018-12/66379
SWAN Member Library Staff:
We're currently experiencing issues delivering emails to patrons with Yahoo or AOL email addresses. We're submitted cases with both Yahoo and our volume email service to seek resolution and are currently awaiting response.
This issue impacts all checkout receipts, bills, and other notices sent from our Symphony server on January 8th or 9th. While none of these emails have been lost, they're currently being deferred or delayed from delivery on the Yahoo email servers. Once the issue has been resolved, all emails should be delivered to the respective patron accounts.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will update the Known Issue<https://support.swanlibraries.net/node/66559> as soon as additional information becomes available.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
Oh Saturday, January 12th, Lansing Public Library will be installing a new phone system. Incoming calls will be answered by Unique, but those calls will not be transferred to the library until the system cut-over is complete. The only expected day of phone outage is Jan 12th.
Please do not run any High Demand Holds reports in Workflows without a Pick-up library and User Library selected. Libraries are running these reports without library selections causing the report server to be tied up for long periods of time. This prevents other reports from running.
Our support site provides assistance in configuring the report settings - https://support.swanlibraries.net/documentation/64736
Due to multiple libraries running these reports without library settings, we will be looking at alternatives to this report including password-protecting the report so that it can only be scheduled by SWAN support.