--Updated 2:00 p.m.--
We have received word from SirsiDynix that the SmartPort error has been fixed, but a halt/run is required before the fix will take effect. The halt/run will take place tonight, so we are hopeful that SmartPort functionality will be restored when everyone signs on tomorrow morning. We will test the wizard early tomorrow to see if any more work is required.
--Original Message--
We are currently experiencing an issue with SmartPort. While attempting to bring in MARC records with this wizard, you may receive a "File not found" error. We have opened a case with SirsiDynix and hope to have this resolved as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience while we investigate this error.
Scott Brandwein
Bibliographic Services Manager
scott(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:scott@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7455
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>
SWAN Member Library Staff:
I have some good news this morning - our early start to the server upgrade and expedited schedule led to a successful completion around 1 this morning. We're just finishing up some testing and overnight maintenance reports now, but otherwise the upgraded Symphony WorkFlows server is now ready for use.
A few things to note:
* Please login to WorkFlows and perform all functions as usual. No further downtime is expected today. Additionally, we will not need to use Symphony Bridge or Offline today.
* Our report schedule will be especially congested today due to the overnight maintenance starting late and several cancelled reports that we'll be making up from last night. Please avoid running unessential reports until later in the afternoon.
* All regularly scheduled reports will run as expected today (albeit off schedule); this includes autorenewals, all patron notices, and clean holds shelf.
* BLUECloud Analytics statistics may still take up to a day to catch up.
* All Enterprise, payment, and authentication services should be operating as expected today.
* The new server uses the hostname api.in.swanlibraires.net (same as our previous server). As long as your WorkFlows client is pointing to this hostname, you'll login to the server as usual. See the image below for further details.
* SIP2 connected hardware and software in the library (Self-Check, AMH, PC Reservation, MyPC, etc) must also reference the hostname api.in.swanlibraries.net instead of the previous IP address. If this software and hardware is functioning correctly, they're likely configured to use the hostname and no further action is needed.
We'll send additional SWANcoms and new posts if any substantial issues arise, so please continue to watch throughout the day. Additionally, if you encounter any issues or oddities, please send them to help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net> so that we can investigate further.
Thank you for your patience throughout the upgrade process.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
The SWAN IT Team has started the server upgrade process! Within the next half hour, the Symphony server will become temporarily unavailable to copy data and perform the setup.
During tonight's downtime, these services will be completely inaccessible:
* Symphony Server functions
* WorkFlows (can be run in Offline mode<https://support.swanlibraries.net/system/files/Members%20Only/SWANTech/Work…> after 9pm)
* SIP2-connected hardware (AMH, self-check)
* SIP2-connected vendor services (Overdrive, Axis360, etc)
* Symphony Web Services and Enterprise functions
* Enterprise My Account functions (including payments)
* Enterprise material availability
* BookMyne
* MobileCirc
Early tomorrow morning (before library hours), we'll send an update when the server becomes available and if Symphony Bridge or Offline will be necessary. Please stay tuned to SWANcom for further instructions and news on the upgrade.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: Steven Schlewitt
Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 9:54 AM
To: 'swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net>; 'swancirc(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swancirc(a)list.swanlibraries.net>; 'swantech(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swantech(a)list.swanlibraries.net>
Subject: *Reminder* SWAN Server Upgrade Begins Tonight at 9pm!
Importance: High
SWAN Member Library Staff:
Just another quick reminder of the Symphony server upgrade beginning tonight at 9pm.
At 9pm, all Symphony services will go offline to begin the upgrade process. This will also impact user logins and item availability in Enterprise, which has been noted in an Enterprise banner.
For detailed information on the services potentially impacted during operating hours tomorrow, please refer to the support post below.
Please also watch your SWANcoms carefully as the expedited upgrade schedule may change our Symphony Bridge plans and instructions tomorrow morning!
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: Steven Schlewitt
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2018 4:50 PM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom@list.swanlibraries.net>; 'swancirc(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swancirc(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancirc@list.swanlibraries.net>>; swantech(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swantech@list.swanlibraries.net>
Subject: *Reminder* SWAN Server Upgrade Scheduled for November 7th, Special Instructions Included
SWAN Member Library Staff:
Just a quick reminder of the upcoming server upgrade scheduled for Wednesday, November 7th.
We have managed to bump the start time of the upgrade to 9pm the evening prior (Tuesday the 6th), but please continue to expect the use of Symphony Bridge throughout the day on November 7th.
Please also be sure to check your email for further instructions via SWANcom or the SWAN Support Site on the morning of the 7th, as we'll be indicating when the Bridge is ready for login or if there are other new instructions.
To address several questions we've received:
* When on Symphony Bridge on the 7th, modification of patron records will be disabled, but you can override to check out material
* Auto-renewals will not run while we are on Bridge, but will run when we come back up and will renew items that would have renewed throughout the period we were on Bridge. It is possible that items will renew on the day they were due (if Bridge takes the full 2 days)
* Items in Transit will be processed on the regular schedule since that report is generated via BCA
* Clean Holds Report will not run on the days we are on Bridge as no reports will run during that time period
* Enterprise item records and location will display as a result of cached records, but availability and hold queue stats will not
For further details on the upgrade including how to access the Symphony Bridge and various service availabilities, please refer to the original support site posting:
Thank you.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
SWAN Member Library Staff:
Just another quick reminder of the Symphony server upgrade beginning tonight at 9pm.
At 9pm, all Symphony services will go offline to begin the upgrade process. This will also impact user logins and item availability in Enterprise, which has been noted in an Enterprise banner.
For detailed information on the services potentially impacted during operating hours tomorrow, please refer to the support post below.
Please also watch your SWANcoms carefully as the expedited upgrade schedule may change our Symphony Bridge plans and instructions tomorrow morning!
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: Steven Schlewitt
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2018 4:50 PM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net; 'swancirc(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swancirc(a)list.swanlibraries.net>; swantech(a)list.swanlibraries.net
Subject: *Reminder* SWAN Server Upgrade Scheduled for November 7th, Special Instructions Included
SWAN Member Library Staff:
Just a quick reminder of the upcoming server upgrade scheduled for Wednesday, November 7th.
We have managed to bump the start time of the upgrade to 9pm the evening prior (Tuesday the 6th), but please continue to expect the use of Symphony Bridge throughout the day on November 7th.
Please also be sure to check your email for further instructions via SWANcom or the SWAN Support Site on the morning of the 7th, as we'll be indicating when the Bridge is ready for login or if there are other new instructions.
To address several questions we've received:
* When on Symphony Bridge on the 7th, modification of patron records will be disabled, but you can override to check out material
* Auto-renewals will not run while we are on Bridge, but will run when we come back up and will renew items that would have renewed throughout the period we were on Bridge. It is possible that items will renew on the day they were due (if Bridge takes the full 2 days)
* Items in Transit will be processed on the regular schedule since that report is generated via BCA
* Clean Holds Report will not run on the days we are on Bridge as no reports will run during that time period
* Enterprise item records and location will display as a result of cached records, but availability and hold queue stats will not
For further details on the upgrade including how to access the Symphony Bridge and various service availabilities, please refer to the original support site posting:
Thank you.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
SWAN Member Library Staff:
Just a quick reminder of the upcoming server upgrade scheduled for Wednesday, November 7th.
We have managed to bump the start time of the upgrade to 9pm the evening prior (Tuesday the 6th), but please continue to expect the use of Symphony Bridge throughout the day on November 7th.
Please also be sure to check your email for further instructions via SWANcom or the SWAN Support Site on the morning of the 7th, as we'll be indicating when the Bridge is ready for login or if there are other new instructions.
To address several questions we've received:
* When on Symphony Bridge on the 7th, modification of patron records will be disabled, but you can override to check out material
* Auto-renewals will not run while we are on Bridge, but will run when we come back up and will renew items that would have renewed throughout the period we were on Bridge. It is possible that items will renew on the day they were due (if Bridge takes the full 2 days)
* Items in Transit will be processed on the regular schedule since that report is generated via BCA
* Clean Holds Report will not run on the days we are on Bridge as no reports will run during that time period
* Enterprise item records and location will display as a result of cached records, but availability and hold queue stats will not
For further details on the upgrade including how to access the Symphony Bridge and various service availabilities, please refer to the original support site posting:
Thank you.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)