Just a quick reminder that the deadline to self-nominate for the SWAN Circulation Advisory Committee upcoming election is today at NOON. We have had a number of people submit their names, but there is always room for more. If you were meaning to add your name to the ballot, now is the time to do it.
You have three hours. https://fs8.formsite.com/SWANServices/Circ-Adv-Nomination-15/index.html
Everyone -
It is the time of year when we begin the election process for the SWAN Circulation Advisory Committee. The Committee is composed of 11 representatives from SWAN libraries and chaired by myself and Renee Clanton. This year we have 6 people whose terms are up in November.
The election process is very simple. Any Circulation Manager/Supervisor or a person with oversight of the Circulation department may throw their hat in the ring (self-nominate). Everyone that submits a self-nomination form is included on the election ballot. All we ask is that you submit a few words in support of your nomination, basically why you want to serve on the Committee and what you see as your contribution to the Committee (what you bring to the table). Your statement in support of your self-nomination will be shared in the election ballot. All this is done using a survey. It only takes a few minutes to self-nominate.
Things you need to know about the SWAN Circ Advisory Committee : we meet 6 times a year (every two months), we publish our agenda a week before our meetings, are meetings are open to all, we are currently working on a revision to the SWAN Circulation Policy and discussing future training initiatives along with other Circulation topics.
The current Committee members with terms ending in 2015 are : Sheila Adams (GWS), Julie Lombardo (WRS), Cindy Maiello-Gluecklich (MPS), Samantha Millsap (HKS), Debbie Sheehan (INS), and Peggy Tomzik (ESS). These individuals may or may not choose to run again.
The self-nomination form will be open on Monday, September 21st. It will be available here: https://fs8.formsite.com/SWANServices/Circ-Adv-Nomination-15/index.html
Please consider joining the Committee. We would love to hear from fresh voices with new insights and perspectives.
Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
Reaching Across Illinois Library System
Burr Ridge Office
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056