To All SWAN Library Staff:
We have some updates for you all this evening. The good news is that the SWAN staff with
help from SirsiDynix engineers have come up with a plan to re-index the Symphony item
database of 8.2 million records tonight which should be completed for all libraries by
tomorrow morning, Wednesday 4/29. This does require a Symphony server halt for around 15
minutes tonight, planned for 10pm. Enterprise will running the entire time.
This completely new re-index should resolve the following Symphony WorkFlows problems:
* Records that staff added this past week may not be fully searchable, and when
doing a browse search, you may see the message "Heading keys need to be indexed
* Tech services staff cannot search the database for duplicates before adding
items. They have been either sitting on items and potentially increasing their backlog
from the migration, or adding items blind and potentially creating duplicate records that
will require more cleanup.
* Tech services staff cannot find records that need updating
* Public services staff cannot find material on the shelves or place holds
* Selectors cannot search for materials they are evaluating
Read on for the details.
On Monday, SWAN staff concluded that the indexing plan outlined originally by SirsiDynix
was not working fast enough. We were processing around 20,000 records per night. With new
records being added into the system, and with the backlog of 200,000 records due to mass
data changes, we huddled up with SirsiDynix to come up with a new plan.
So my apologies for not having a good answer for you on Monday or most of the day Tuesday.
We simply didn't have a new plan in place yet. SirsiDynix staff are going to work the
entire night to fix this problem you have been struggling with for the last week.
The work tonight will also benefit SWAN in the future, as it involves some redesign of our
database to ensure full re-indexing of Symphony will run much faster.
We will have SWAN staff in early around 7am Wednesday to verify the new indexes are
working correctly. Another SWANcom will be sent out in the morning.
Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056<>