++Please route to appropriate personnel++
The statistics for the month of May are now available on the SWAN website
<https://support.swanlibraries.net/content/2015-sirsidynix-stats> (click on the
Statistics tab and choose 2015 SirsiDynix statistics).
We have 12 statistical reports available for you.
* We have Checkouts by Interface, Renewals by Interface, and Holds by Interface -
you will notice there are columns listed as SVA, Bookmyne, and unknown you will begin to
see statistics in these columns in the near future. For your total circulation count,
dependent upon library policy, you may want to add renewals and checkouts.
* Then we have checkouts by our new user categories ( which I have referenced as
pcode2, pcode3, and pcode4 for ease of use).
* Monthly checkouts by Item Library/Library Profile will give you your reciprocal
borrowing stats - just remember to subtract checkouts to your library users profiles.
* Monthly checkout by Charging Library/ Item Library will give you your ILL activity
- but again you would need to subtract checkout of your material at your library (charging
library). It is easier to use the Monthly ILL Sent and ILL Received where the checkout of
your material at your library (including any bookmobiles), has been removed for you.
Remember ILL Sent is read down, ILL Rec'd is read across.
* Monthly checkins by Charging library/Item Library
* Monthly In-house Use - you must use the Mark Item Used Wizard to generate this
* Monthly Users Added
We will be adding two more reports ASAP -
* Monthly Bibs Added
* Monthly Items Added
If you should have any questions, please call Member Services at 630-734-5153 or email us
at help@swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Have a great week crunching numbers.
Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056