We have successfully run the fix to call numbers affected by Tuesday's batchload. Call numbers and classification policies that were changed by the load have been restored to their state as of the morning of July 3rd. Please note that items added on July 3rd may have been affected, but were not included in the fix. If you use auto-generated call numbers for on-order records or XX call numbers for serials, items added Tuesday may require manual cleanup. If you would like a list of items added on July 3rd along with their call numbers and locations, please send a ticket to the attention of the Bibliographic Services team, and they can provide this for you. Let us know if you experience any further problems with call numbers.
Scott Brandwein
Bibliographic Services Manager
scott(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:scott@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7455
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>
SWAN Member Library Staff:
It appears that last night’s overnight maintenance reports have resolved the issues that we were experiencing with searching and the subsequent error messages throughout the day on Thursday, July 5.
Please notify us ASAP if you encounter any further search issues today.
Thank you for your patience.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: swancom-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net <swancom-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net> On Behalf Of Steven Schlewitt
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 3:56 PM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net; swancirc(a)list.swanlibraries.net; swantech(a)list.swanlibraries.net
Subject: [SWANcom] *Update* Symphony/WorkFlows search issues on 7/5
Importance: High
SWAN Member Library Staff:
The Symphony/WorkFlows server is back online and available for access, so please sign in at your earliest convenience. We are not anticipating any further downtime this evening.
We are continuing to see some searching issues, however. These search issues seem to primarily impact searches by ISBN in the WorkFlows client.
We’ve investigated the issue with SirsiDynix support and believe it should be resolved with tonight’s regularly scheduled overnight maintenance reports.
We’ll send additional news via SWANcom/support post as updates become available.
Thank you for your continued patience.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
From: swancom-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom-bounces@list.swanlibraries.net> <swancom-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom-bounces@list.swanlibraries.net>> On Behalf Of webmaster(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:webmaster@swanlibraries.net>
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 2:43 PM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom@list.swanlibraries.net>
Subject: [SWANcom] *Important* Symphony/WorkFlows going Offline to troubleshoot search issues on 7/5
Message from sender:
From the SWAN Support Website:
Published on SWAN (https://support.swanlibraries.net)
*Important* Symphony/WorkFlows going Offline to troubleshoot search issues on 7/5
07/05/2018 - 14:43 - by Steven Schlewitt
SWAN Member Library Staff:
Due to sporadic search issues that have been occurring throughout the day, we’ve decided to take the Symphony/WorkFlows server offline for a few minutes for further troubleshooting.
We’ll be performing a restart of the server at 3:00pm today. We expect this outage will only last a few minutes, but please use WorkFlows in Offline mode until we send an all-clear follow-up message via SWANcom/support post.
This brief outage will impact the following services:
- WorkFlows client
- SIP2 connected hardware (AMH, self-check)
- SIP2 connected library software (PC reservation, print release)
Symphony Web Services and External Authentication Services:
- Enterprise My Account functions (including payments)
- Enterprise material availability
- Digital media/eRC/reference databases
- BookMyne
- MobileCirc
Thank you for your patience as we troubleshoot this issue.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:help@swanlibraries.net>
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
Source URL: https://support.swanlibraries.net/news/2018-07-05/important-symphonyworkflo…
I've received some questions about when the June BLUEcloud Analytics data was fully harvested and processed. From our tracking, June data was available on July 2nd. So if you ran month-end reports earlier this week, data from June 30th was available earlier and your reports should accurately reflect activity.
Dawne Tortorella
Assistant Director
dawne(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:dawne@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7995
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>