Everyone -
Lauren has created another YouTube tutorial for all of us that focuses on the assigning of User Management rights in Mentor, along with assigning staff to a new Mentor Manager.
Have a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmnvuEC0ebg
If you should have any questions, don't hesitate to call. Lauren is working this evening if you should have any questions. She can be reached at 630-734-5155.
Thank you for your cooperation in getting Mentor setup at your library.
Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056
A new batch of titles and items has been loaded.
Subject: Media On Demand 20141117
63 print titles
11 audio titles
1 video title
75 titles total
Karen Bar
SWAN Bibliographic Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5138
Fax: 630.734.5056
A new batch of titles and items has been loaded.
Search subject: eRead Illinois 20141117
1,794 print titles
Karen Bar
SWAN Bibliographic Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5138
Fax: 630.734.5056
Good news, everyone -
Thanks to the many libraries that have already submitted their purchase commitments, we've now established the minimum number of libraries necessary for the group discount! This is terrific news, not only because we're now guaranteed the discounted purchase price of $2500 per library, but because we can also extend our purchase commitment period into the month of December for any libraries needing a little extra time to coordinate.
If you're still on the fence about joining the EnvisionWare One-Stop 2.0 group purchase, please let me know so that we can discuss the details further. If you're currently running Millennium Express Lane in your library and have not committed to join in on the purchase, please note that this will be SWAN's only offering as a replacement self-check for the Express Lane software. When we migrate to the SirsiDynix ILS in April of 2015, the Millennium Express Lane software will no longer function. And while our libraries are certainly welcome to pursue alternative vendors for a replacement outside of this group purchase, SWAN will only be coordinating the group/discounted purchase with EnvisionWare at this time.
Thanks again to all of the libraries that are currently participating. We'll begin coordinating your invoices and installations as early as next week, based on the date you selected in your commitment form.
Steven Schlewitt
SWAN IT Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5130
Fax: 630.734.5056
From: Steven Schlewitt
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 10:02 AM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net; swantech(a)list.swanlibraries.net
Subject: SWAN Self-Check Software Group Purchase
SWAN Library Administrators and Information Technology Staff:
Just a quick reminder - SWAN is currently coordinating a group purchase with EnvisionWare for the One-Stop 2.0 self-checkout software.
This software can be used to replace an existing Innovative Express Lane installation prior to our SirsiDynix migration, OR, if your library does not currently have any self-check software or if you're thinking about upgrading from your current configuration, this is a terrific opportunity to join in on the significantly discounted pricing. We already have a handful of libraries participating, but as more libraries join in, we will see even greater discounts for the entire group.
Please contact me directly if you would like additional information about the group purchase or if you're interested in participating. We're looking to collect responses from interested libraries by early November so that we can roll out the software as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Steven Schlewitt
SWAN IT Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5130
Fax: 630.734.5056
SWAN Member Libraries:
SWAN staff are participating in a retreat today for RAILS LLSAP consortium. Many of us will be away at the Morris Area Public Library.
Printed notices will be processed and delivered as normal. We have staff present to assist with any network emergency should something arise. Please utilize the SWAN support website for all other issues (see URL below).
Refer to the Migration Memo #3 for instructions on Mentor, and use the migrationhelp(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:migrationhelp@swanlibraries.net> to send in your questions. We are monitoring those questions and formulating responses throughout the day today.
Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056
Everyone -
Circulation notices for today were not run. They will be generated tomorrow and send out with the notices for tomorrow. We apologize for the delay.
Kate Boyle
Swan Member Services
First and foremost colleagues, I need to apologize for providing yesterday's attendees of the COW meeting with misinformation. No excuses, I screwed up. Suffice it to say, I am thoroughly embarrassed about the error and regret any impact this lack of complete information may have caused you.
What I failed to mention yesterday was the second step to be completed after you have assigned other staff in your library a "user management" role.
After enabling the new "user management" permissions either the library director or the new mentor needs to edit the profiles of any library staff members for which they will assume oversight. In the staff member profile, update the information in the Mentor Manager: field to the new information. This will allow the new Mentor to assign courses and generate reports on the staff member's progress.
For more information, please refer to the following two documents. Directions on generating reports for library staff coursework is provided in the "Introduction to SirsiDynix Mentor" document.
Introduction to SirsiDynix Mentor https://support.swanlibraries.net/documentation/members-only/1318
Introduction to SirsiDynix Support Center User Management for Mentor Managers
Again, sorry the misinformation. Please share this apology and information with anyone that may have been in attendance at the meeting representing your library.
For anyone that did not attend the meeting yesterday, please refer to the Migration Memo #3 https://support.swanlibraries.net/content/migration-memos and the two documents mentioned above for information on SirsiDynix Mentor self-paced training .
If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056
SWAN Member Libraries and IT Staff:
Our system patching has concluded successfully. All services are now restored.
Thank you again for your patience.
Steven Schlewitt
SWAN IT Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5130
Fax: 630.734.5056
From: swantech-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net [mailto:swantech-bounces@list.swanlibraries.net] On Behalf Of Steven Schlewitt
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:46 PM
To: swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net; swantech(a)list.swanlibraries.net
Subject: [SwanTech] SWAN Server Patching: Wednesday 11/12 before library hours
Importance: High
SWAN Member Libraires and Information Technology Staff:
Just a quick reminder - tomorrow morning between the hours of 4am and 7am, SWAN staff will be performing scheduled system updates to our Report and Production Millennium servers. These updates are related to the server operating systems only and should not affect any functionality of the ILS.
During the system patching, the following services will be unavailable intermittently:
- WebPac/OPAC
- Millennium client
- Report generation
We will notify library staff via SWANCom when the patching concludes.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Steven Schlewitt
SWAN IT Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5130
Fax: 630.734.5056
SwanTech mailing list
SWAN Member Libraires and Information Technology Staff:
Just a quick reminder - tomorrow morning between the hours of 4am and 7am, SWAN staff will be performing scheduled system updates to our Report and Production Millennium servers. These updates are related to the server operating systems only and should not affect any functionality of the ILS.
During the system patching, the following services will be unavailable intermittently:
- WebPac/OPAC
- Millennium client
- Report generation
We will notify library staff via SWANCom when the patching concludes.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Steven Schlewitt
SWAN IT Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5130
Fax: 630.734.5056