Hi SWAN Board,
Can I have a yes/no for attendance for next Friday's Board Meeting? We've heard from Julie and Jamie that they will not be in attendance, so wanted to ensure quorum.
Brande Overbey
Operations Manager
brande(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:brande@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7104
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>
SWAN Board,
I thought I would share this good news with you! TMQ = The MARC of Quality, which is a contracted service sponsored by the Illinois State Library/SOS to update consortia holdings in OCLC.
Aaron Skog
Executive Director
aaron(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:aaron@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7022
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>
From: Anne Slaughter <anne.slaughter(a)railslibraries.info>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2018 4:05 PM
To: Jane Plass <jane.plass(a)railslibraries.info>; Deirdre Brennan <dee.brennan(a)railslibraries.info>; Jim Kregor <jim.kregor(a)railslibraries.info>; Bill Goetz <bill.goetz(a)railslibraries.info>; Sharon Swanson <sharon.swanson(a)railslibraries.info>
Cc: Aaron Skog <aaron(a)swanlibraries.net>; Dawne Tortorella <dawne(a)swanlibraries.net>
Subject: FW: 19-1003-TMQ Award Letter
Importance: High
Good news! I received word today that our TMQ grant application for FY19 was approved for the full amount - which includes $10,000 for SWAN's OCLC reclamation.
Anne Slaughter
Director of Technology Services
Reaching Across Illinois Library System
Burr Ridge Office
Phone: 630.734.5127
Fax: 630.734.5050
From: Egan, Karen <KEgan(a)ILSOS.NET<mailto:KEgan@ILSOS.NET>>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2018 2:56 PM
To: Anne Slaughter <anne.slaughter(a)railslibraries.info<mailto:anne.slaughter@railslibraries.info>>
Cc: Deirdre Brennan <dee.brennan(a)railslibraries.info<mailto:dee.brennan@railslibraries.info>>; Harrison, Gwen <GHarrison(a)ILSOS.NET<mailto:GHarrison@ILSOS.NET>>; Jim Kregor <jim.kregor(a)railslibraries.info<mailto:jim.kregor@railslibraries.info>>
Subject: 19-1003-TMQ Award Letter
Importance: High
Hi Anne,
The attached award letter from Secretary of State and State Librarian, Jesse White is being sent to your attention by this email.
The award letter will not be sent through US mail. Please be sure to share this with your grants administration and save a copy for your records.
Contracts will arrive in the mail for signature in the next couple of weeks, and your contract start date is July 1, 2018.
If you have any questions, please contact your grant monitor, Gwen Harrison (217-785-7334) or me at the Illinois State Library.
Karen Egan, LSTA Grants Consultant
Illinois State Library
300 S. Second Street
Springfield, IL 62701
Telephone: 217-782-7749 | Fax: 217-782-1877
Jesse White, Secretary of State and State Librarian
Disclaimer - This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and contain privileged or copyright information. You must not present this message to another party without gaining permission from the sender. If you are not the intended recipient you must not copy, distribute or use this email or the information contained in it for any purpose other than to notify the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State.
If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately, and delete this email from your system. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State.
SWAN Board,
Next week Consulting Within Reach will arrive on Monday afternoon and we have 3 days of interviews and meetings. I thought I would provide everyone on the board an update.
Yesterday, I had an hour long video conference with Curtis Chang and his associate Brad Jung. We discussed some logistics and we talked about some of the topics to explore during interviews. What is interesting is that Brad Jung worked for Innovative Interfaces for 3 years as VP of Product Management (2014-2016). He worked on the CCS strategic plan with Curtis, so I think they are not "green" in terms of library consortium.
I have reached out to Pierre Gregoire and we set an interview date (he also wants to attend the town hall at Tinley). I will email Jamie Paicely at Steger after I have confirmed with some others on times.
7/31 Tues @ SWAN HQ in person interviews
9-10 Dawne Tortorella
10-11 Joseph Miller
11-12 Steven Schlewitt
12-1 Tara Wood
1-2 Scott Brandwein
3-4 Brande Overbey
4-5 Julie Milavec (Board)
5-6 Stacy Wittmann (Board)
6-7 Doug Losey (Board
7-9 CWR Internal Meeting
8/1 Wed @ Tinley (9 registered)
11-12 Rich Wolff (in person at Tinley board room)
12-1 Jamie Bukovac (in person at Tinley board room)
1-2 Tinley Park Town Hall Meeting (1:30pm start)
2-3 Town Hall Meeting (3:00pm end)
3-4 Jennifer Cottrill (INT phone interview CST)
CWR will conduct a phone interview with Jennifer at Midlothian (per CRW, I am slotting in phone interviews in all available times).
8/2 Thurs @ Oak Brook (13 registered)
10-11 Oak Brook town hall (10:00am start)
11-12 Oak Brook town hall (11:30am end)
12-1 Ted Bodewes (Board)
1-2 Tiffany Verzani (Board)
2-3 Aaron wrap up meeting & departure
Brande confirmed that the interviews with Ted and Tiffany will be at Oak Brook in the same space as the town hall.
Aaron Skog
Executive Director
aaron(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:aaron@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7022
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>
SWAN Board,
Just an FYI on the appointment of the RAILS committee. I am happy to be the appointed rep, or continue as alternate.
Aaron Skog
Executive Director
aaron(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:aaron@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7022
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>
From: Jane Plass [mailto:jane.plass@railslibraries.info]
Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:39 AM
To: Aaron Skog <aaron(a)swanlibraries.net>; Anne Slaughter <anne.slaughter(a)railslibraries.info>; Betsy Adamowski (betsy(a)wheatonlibrary.org) <betsy(a)wheatonlibrary.org>; Carolyn Coulter <carolyn.coulter(a)railslibraries.info>; Dawne Tortorella <dawne(a)swanlibraries.net>; Gwen Gregory <gwen.gregory(a)board.railslibraries.info>; Jane Lenser (janel(a)cherryvalleylib.org) <janel(a)cherryvalleylib.org>; Jennifer Slaney <librybear(a)aol.com>; Kendal Orrison <kendal.orrison(a)railslibraries.info>; Kristine Hammerstrand <khammer(a)uillinois.edu>; Matt Hammermeister <mhammermeister(a)pinnaclelibraries.org>; Paul Mills <paul.mills(a)board.railslibraries.info>; Rebecca Malinowski (rmalinowski(a)ccslib.org) <rmalinowski(a)ccslib.org>; Karen Sutera <karens(a)harvard-diggins.org>
Cc: Jody Rubel <jody.rubel(a)railslibraries.info>
Subject: RAILS Consortia Committee - FY2019 representatives and July 2018 reports
Hi, all.
It's time to prepare for the FY2019 Consortia Committee meetings. As you know, the revised committee charge clarifies the appointment of committee members:
The RAILS Board President shall annually appoint two voting members from the RAILS board. Each consortium shall annually designate one voting representative and optionally one alternate who may vote in the absence of the voting representative. Appointment of representatives for successive terms is strongly encouraged to provide more continuity. The representative does not need to be an officer on the consortium's board. {Emphasis added.} New representatives are seated at the first meeting after the beginning of the RAILS fiscal year in July. Interim appointments may be made when necessary to fill vacant seats. Voting representatives and alternates are encouraged to attend all meetings to ensure excellent communication and information flow.
The RAILS board committee appointments will occur later this year, so Paul Mills and Gwen Gregory will still be the RAILS board reps for our July 23 meeting. If your consortium will be changing your representative and/or your alternate, please let me know by close of business on Friday, July 6. If I don't hear from your consortium, I'll assume your representation will not change. Also, I will remove the LINC and MAGIC representatives when I update the website, as those libraries are now part of SWAN; no need to let me know of those changes. (FY2018 reps are listed at https://www.railslibraries.info/board/consortia-committee.)
I also need your consortial reports by close of business on Friday, July 6. These don't need to be lengthy, but other consortia and the RAILS board do appreciate getting these updates.
Thanks in advance.
Jane Plass
Associate Executive Director
Reaching Across Illinois Library System
Burr Ridge Office
Phone: 630.734.5129
Fax: 630.734.5050
SWAN Board,
The agenda and packet for the RAILS Consortia Committee meeting to be held on Monday, July 23 is below. Rich Wolff has confirmed his attendance. I am the alternate representative. On Friday you will approve the rep and alternate for this RAILS committee.
I think the document on the "Resource sharing definition and vision" and the "RAILS report" are worth reviewing. In the RAILS report, they provide some information on the overlay Find More Illinois, and their approach for RAILS consortium.
Aaron Skog
Executive Director
aaron(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:aaron@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7022
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>
From: Jody Rubel [mailto:jody.rubel@railslibraries.info]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 11:05 AM
To: Aaron Skog <aaron(a)swanlibraries.net>; Anne Slaughter <anne.slaughter(a)railslibraries.info>; Barbara Love (loveb(a)kewaneelibrary.org) <loveb(a)kewaneelibrary.org>; Carolyn Coulter <carolyn.coulter(a)railslibraries.info>; Cassandra Thompson (cthompson(a)illinoisheartland.org) <cthompson(a)illinoisheartland.org>; Deirdre Brennan <dee.brennan(a)railslibraries.info>; Emily Porter (emilyp(a)byron.lib.il.us) <emilyp(a)byron.lib.il.us>; Gwen Gregory <gwen.gregory(a)board.railslibraries.info>; Jane Plass <jane.plass(a)railslibraries.info>; janel(a)cherryvalleylib.org; Jennifer Slaney <librybear(a)aol.com>; Kate Hall (khall(a)northbrook.info) <khall(a)northbrook.info>; Kendal Orrison <kendal.orrison(a)railslibraries.info>; Kristine Hammerstrand <khammer(a)uillinois.edu>; Lindsay Braddy (lbraddy(a)skokielibrary.info) <lbraddy(a)skokielibrary.info>; Paul Mills <paul.mills(a)board.railslibraries.info>; Rebecca Malinowski (rmalinowski(a)ccslib.org) <rmalinowski(a)ccslib.org>; Rich Wolff <r_wolff(a)tplibrary.org>; Scott Pointon (spointon(a)whiteoaklibrary.org) <spointon(a)whiteoaklibrary.org>
Cc: GMcCormick(a)ilsos.net; Aggertt, Deb <Daggertt(a)ILSOS.NET>
Subject: RAILS Consortia Committee Meeting Packet - July 23, 2018
RAILS Consortia Committee Members,
The next RAILS Consortia Committee meeting will be held on Monday, July 23, at 9:30 a.m. in-person at RAILS Burr Ridge, videoconference sites and by conference call as listed on the agenda.
Five documents are attached:
1. Agenda
2. Consortia Committee Draft Minutes, April 23, 2018
3. Resource sharing definition and vision
4. Consortial Reports
5. RAILS Report
If you have not also ready done so, please contact Jody Rubel at jody.rubel(a)railslibraries.info<mailto:jody.rubel@railslibraries.info> or 630.734.5137 about if and where you will attend by Thursday, July 19, 2018. Do not reply to all due to Open Meeting Act concerns.
Jody Rubel
Jody Rubel
Administrative Assistant
Reaching Across Illinois Library System
Burr Ridge Office
Phone: 630.734.5137
Fax: 630.734.5050
SWAN Board,
The agenda is posted for the Strategic Planning Committee meeting this Thursday at SWAN HQ's conference room at 9:30 a.m.
We have set two dates for the "town hall" meetings (what CWR called them), 8/1 and 8/2. Curtis is fine with our suggestion of increasing to 12 from 5 library directors interviewed by phone, and lowering the original 15 external environmental scan interviews to 8 interviews. This would be 20 total phone interviews, plus 15 in-person with board and staff, and two town hall meetings. I think this worked out nicely!
I have attached two handouts from the last SWAN Board meeting. If you have any thoughts or suggestions for library director stakeholder interviews or external environmental scan interviews, feel free to share them with either me, Julie, Jamie, or Ted. The map is a PowerPoint with the pins that can be moved around and placed on the various SWAN libraries. As you can see, the north side is well represented. It is the west and south suburban areas that could, geographically speaking, have some representation. Plus, from the SWAN fees spreadsheet attached, we need some representation from the lower to middle fee range.
Please let Brande or I know if you need anything for your upcoming interviews on 7/31, 8/1, and 8/2.
Aaron Skog
Executive Director
aaron(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:aaron@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7022
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>
Hi SWAN Board,
Our available 1 on 1 interview slots are in purple, below. For those who requested Thursday or were unable to accommodate Wednesday, we only had 2 slots available Thu which were already spoken for. However, we did have 3 slots Tuesday evening at QR, after the staff interviews conclude. I tentatively slotted you in there - let me know if that works better for you, or if you'd prefer Wed.
Rich will take whichever is the first slot on Wed, so he can get Curtis set up. If I need to move Tuesday folks to Wednesday, I will need to move you earlier Rich. Thank you!
7/31 (Tue)
8/1 (Wed)
8/2 (Thurs)
Oak Brook
Rich (Board)
Town Hall
Jamie (Board)
Ted (Board)
Tinley Park
Tiffany (Board)
Town Hall
Aaron wrap up
NA (Departure)
Julie (Board)
Stacy (Board)
Doug (Board)
From: swanboard-bounces(a)list.swanlibraries.net [mailto:swanboard-bounces@list.swanlibraries.net] On Behalf Of Brande Overbey
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 5:40 AM
To: 'swanboard(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swanboard(a)list.swanlibraries.net>
Subject: [SWANboard] Strategic Planning Interviews - Tinley (Wed) & Oak Brook (Thu)
Hello again!
We've booked our two town hall locations - on Wednesday, 8/1 we will be at Tinley Park from 1:30 to 3, and on Thursday we will be at Oak Brook from 10-11:30am. These meetings will also be live-streamed.
The Board interviews on Wednesday will be held in the morning before the town hall, at Tinley Park PL. Rich will be meeting with Curtis first, so Rich can get him set up at his library meeting space.
The Board interviews on Thursday will be timing based around the town hall and Curtis's 5:50pm flight out of O'Hare. So far I have Ted and Tiffany scheduled for Thursday.
Let me know any final thoughts/restrictions. I'll send out your meeting invites for timing once I've heard from Curtis as to what time he'd like to begin in the morning.
From: Brande Overbey
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 1:19 PM
To: 'swanboard(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swanboard(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swanboard@list.swanlibraries.net>>
Subject: CONFIRMED: Strategic Planning Facilitator On Site Interviews 8/1 and 8/2
Importance: High
Hello SWAN Board,
We have confirmed with Curtis that we will have the board member in-person interviews with each of you scheduled for Wed 8/1 AM (5 people) with town hall #1 to follow, and Thu 8/2 afternoon (2 people) after town hall #2.
I am working out locations for our 2 town hall meetings, with a focus on having one in the N/W and one in the S/E. I will share those with you as soon as they are finalized.
If you have date conflicts or strong preferences, please let me know via email. I'm also available for calls or emails if you have questions.
Thank you,
Brande Overbey
Operations Manager
brande(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:brande@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7104
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>
From: Brande Overbey
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 3:58 PM
To: 'swanboard(a)list.swanlibraries.net' <swanboard(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swanboard@list.swanlibraries.net>>
Cc: Dawne Tortorella <dawne(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:dawne@swanlibraries.net>>
Subject: SAVE THE DATE: Strategic Planning Facilitator On Site Interviews
Hello SWAN Board,
We just wrapped up a call with our Strategic Planning Facilitator, Curtis from CWR. He will be visiting us from California to conduct in-person 1 on 1 interviews with each of you, and with some SWAN staff, and we are working to finalize the dates on that by the end of the week.
However, we know it will be a three day block sometime during the weeks of July 31st or August 6th. We will also be holding a "Town Hall" meeting (basically a COW meeting) with the membership during one of the 3 days that he'll be on site in those two weeks' timeframe. We'll share more details with you on Friday.
For Friday, if you can please bring your availability for meeting with Curtis during those two weeks we will work together to find a 3 day window that will work best for all. He will fly in for the 3 days, somewhere from 7/31 to 8/10. Let us know if you have any questions!
Thank you,
Brande Overbey
Operations Manager
brande(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:brande@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7104
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>
SWAN Board, RAILS Leadership:
This is the email I just sent to SWAN staff.
Aaron Skog
Executive Director
aaron(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:aaron@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7022
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>
From: Aaron Skog
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 3:50 PM
To: All SWAN Staff <allstaff(a)swanlibraries.net>
Subject: Incredibly Sad News
Importance: High
Hi team,
I have some news that I need to share with you, though it is incredibly painful for me to do so. We have just been alerted by her family that Kate Boyle has passed away. As many of you know she was ill, though we were not aware of the severity of the illness. I do not have any more information at this time but will share it as soon as I do.
Please do not hesitate to talk to us about anything that you need. We are here for you and complete understand what we are all going to be going through in trying to wrap our minds around this loss.
Aaron Skog
Executive Director
aaron(a)swanlibraries.net<mailto:aaron@swanlibraries.net> * (630)326-7022
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net<https://www.swanlibraries.net/> * catalog.swanlibraries.net<https://catalog.swanlibraries.net/>