SWAN Board Members:
The Friday 12/19 meeting packet is now available for you:
The meeting packet is 39 pages long. Included in the packet is the FY16 budget draft and other administrative documents. We do not anticipate this meeting going past lunch, so no lunch will be provided. Don't forget to wear your ugly sweater if you have one! :P
See you on Friday,
Brande Redfield
SWAN Office Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5164
Fax: 630.734.5056
Hi SWAN Board:
SWAN will be having an ugly sweater day on Friday, December 19th and we'd love it if you joined in the festivities! Please wear your ugliest sweater to the Board meeting that day if you have one :)
Brande Redfield
SWAN Office Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5164
Fax: 630.734.5056
SWAN Board,
I know it was my idea to have a cake at quarterly tomorrow, but we will not be serving cake unfortunately.
1) Holiday got in the way of ordering.
2) The Burr Ridge roof work is still generating a lot of fine dust and debris (along with noise). Work started yesterday with tuck-pointing the building so more odd bursts of dust keep entering the staff areas. We think that a sheet cake would be sullied in no time.
Cake next time?
Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056
1. More sugar is the last thing I need.
2. I always prefer a dust-free cake.
3. Next time is fine.
David J. Seleb, Executive Director, Oak Park Public Library
Main Library | 834 Lake Street | Oak Park, IL 60301
d.seleb(a)oppl.org <mailto:dseleb@oppl.org> | p 708.697.6911 | f
oppl.org <http://www.oppl.org/> | Facebook
<http://www.facebook.com/oakparkpubliclibrary> | Twitter
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From: Aaron Skog <aaron.skog(a)railslibraries.info>
Reply-To: Aaron Skog <aaron.skog(a)railslibraries.info>
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at 3:48 PM
To: "swanboard(a)list.swanlibraries.net" <swanboard(a)list.swanlibraries.net>
Subject: [SWANboard] No Cake Tomorrow
SWAN Board,
I know it was my idea to have a cake at quarterly tomorrow, but we will not
be serving cake unfortunately.
1) Holiday got in the way of ordering.
2) The Burr Ridge roof work is still generating a lot of fine dust and
debris (along with noise). Work started yesterday with tuck-pointing the
building so more odd bursts of dust keep entering the staff areas. We think
that a sheet cake would be sullied in no time.
Cake next time?
Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056
aaron.skog(a)railslibraries.info <mailto:aaron.skog@railslibraries.info>
http://support.swanlibraries.net <http://support.swanlibraries.net>
SWAN Board Members:
The Friday 11/21 meeting packet is now available for you:
The meeting packet is 128 pages long. Included in the packet are audit results, SWAN handbook revisions, impact studies for potential new SWAN libraries, 2015 meeting calendars, and a slew of other things! Please review the handbook prior to the meeting - since it was already reviewed and edited by the Personnel Committee, we do not intend to review it page by page at the meeting. So please have notes of any pages you'd like reviewed in further depth. Please also review the 2015 meetings calendar prior to the meeting - please come with notes of any conflicts we will need to work out. For example, April will need some fine tuning, since go-live is April 14th!
Also, attached to this email (cannot be included in the packet) are:
* Aaron's Self-Evaluation Document
* Compiled Evaluation results for Aaron from the Board
Hopefully our meeting won't run too late into the evening! Lunch will be provided, and if we need it, I'll also get us some dinner. See you next Friday!
Brande Redfield
SWAN Office Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5164
Fax: 630.734.5056
So, thus far for lunch I have a request for Sicilian-style cannoli, soup, grinders and hoagies, and cocktails. Should I also order surf & turf? It IS a long meeting...
Brande Redfield
SWAN Office Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5164
Fax: 630.734.5056
From: Brande Redfield
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 8:14 AM
To: swanboard(a)list.swanlibraries.net
Subject: REMINDER: Looong Board Meeting This Month!
Importance: High
Hi SWAN Board,
Just a friendly reminder that we do anticipate that our Friday, 11/21 Board meeting will be a very long one (probably, a majority of the day). We do plan to provide lunch - any preferences or special requests? Please be sure to not plan something in the afternoon if you can help it since we will be monopolizing your time that day! :)
Our Board packet will be equally long, so we are working ahead and hope to get that finalized and out to you early - hopefully middle of next week if we are at all able to get it all done by then.
See you on the 21st!
Brande Redfield
SWAN Office Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5164
Fax: 630.734.5056
Hi SWAN Board,
Just a friendly reminder that we do anticipate that our Friday, 11/21 Board meeting will be a very long one (probably, a majority of the day). We do plan to provide lunch - any preferences or special requests? Please be sure to not plan something in the afternoon if you can help it since we will be monopolizing your time that day! :)
Our Board packet will be equally long, so we are working ahead and hope to get that finalized and out to you early - hopefully middle of next week if we are at all able to get it all done by then.
See you on the 21st!
Brande Redfield
SWAN Office Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5164
Fax: 630.734.5056
Hi all,
Just your friendly reminder, Aaron's review results are due by next Friday! If you have any questions just let me know :)
Brande Redfield
SWAN Office Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5164
Fax: 630.734.5056
SWAN Board & Staff:
I want to provide you a quick overview of a positive situation for SWAN. The Franklin Park Public Library approached me over the summer about SWAN membership. Currently they are a member of the LINC consortium of 9 libraries.
I discussed the situation with Carol Dawe, Administrator of the LINC consortium, during our conference in Utah. The LINC board and member library directors were made aware of the developing situation. Franklin Park originally was a member of the DuPage Library System, but with the library system merger (resulting in the creation of RAILS), the options available to the library to switch consortia membership emerged. The library borders SWAN libraries nearby, so the Franklin Park library board has been interested in switching to SWAN for some time prior to contacting me. This decision was essentially driven by geography.
As a first step, the Franklin Park Public Library took board action last week on October 14 to terminate the LINC membership. Until that took place, I was asked to keep this confidential. The board approved the termination with LINC for July 1, 2016.
The Franklin Park Library Board agenda is posted here:
Next month we will need to discuss Franklin Park for membership approval, the RAILS LLSAP grants, and project timeline. I will work with Franklin Park on the next round of RAILS LLSAP grant funding.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056