SWAN Board:
Yesterday you saw an email from Rich Wolff wanting to know a bit more about the ILS Committee work last week. I will go over that some more with you all in another email but I think Melissa Gardner has reached all of you by this point or at least has attempted to reach you. Jeannie Dilger has been communicating with Melissa since last Friday, which as co-chair we thought was the best way to divide up the tasks at hand. Jeannie spoke with Melissa about our selection and the upcoming steps leading to a final vendor, which will require Melissa's involvement with the "negotiation team." My task right now (aside from the SWAN FY15 budget and fee schedule for our Finance/Personnel Committee meeting this Thursday) is to arrange the software demos with vendor, prepare for the "Request for Best and Final Offers" (RBFOs), coordinate the Task Forces with Brande, and manage phone conference calls with customers of the three vendors. I view these reference checks as a vital step in the process, as it will establish the track record for a vendor for software development and support.
Recap: The timeline at this stage in our process was always going to be a tight window to complete the tasks needed after the Committee completed its first round of evaluations.This is what drove my push to notify all vendors immediately. Our first software demos start next week.
Here is an update on how the vendor software demos are being arranged. I am waiting on confirmation from SirsiDynix about the dates today, but this is just for you all to consider.
October 3 & 4: SirsiDynix (tentative)
October 7 & 8: Equinox (preferred)
October 10 & 11: VTLS (preferred)
Each vendor is going to construct the 2 day demos based on the questions our 7 task force groups have provided. However, we are accommodating each vendor to arrange the timeslots to cover the information based on the questions I have sent to them in advance.
Jeff Myers from SirsiDynix called me a late yesterday afternoon and he is assembling a team of about 6 staff to come out for the 2 days. Equinox will provide me a draft 2 day agenda today. VTLS will provide one later this afternoon. I do not believe VTLS and Equinox will be bringing 6 people!
As I noted, the timeline the ILS Committee constructed with our consultant Rob McGee (RMG Consulting) is a bit tight considering we are telling the finalists that they are moving to round 2 and they only have a few days to prepare their agendas based on the information they need to convey during the demos.
So I am anxious as you are and our member library staff to have the L2 meetings set and open up registration. Brande is working with me to make sure the meetings are put in L2 and that we cap the registration based on room capacity. We will set aside seats for our task force people and SWAN staff. Our goal is to have an overview demo on the first day for library directors and staff. After that overview, directors can sit through the sessions they would like. Keep in mind each vendor demo schedule might be different.
I have asked Kate Boyle, Tony Siciliano, and Mary Lou Coffman to begin work on follow-up questions for the RBFOs. Within each vendor proposal are areas which require clarification and should be explored during the software demos and meetings with vendors.
I intend to update you all regularly between now and demos next week.
Hello SWAN Board:
The Thursday 9/26 meeting packet is now available for you - http://support.swanlibraries.net/sites/default/files/meeting/2013-09-26/pac…
The packet is 21 pages long. Please note, we wanted to get this out to you as soon as we were able but we are double checking some of the stats in the finance section.
See you Thursday!
Brande Redfield
SWAN Office Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5164
Fax: 630.734.5056
Hi Aaron,
Is there going to be any info provided to the Board about this decision before the next board meeting? I personally would like to know how the cut was made (other than the scoring) and why did both Polaris and Innovative fallout and Sirsi survived? I am a little perplexed that both large and small groups have dropped the Sirsi product and now we are considering it.
I would also like to see the scoring before the demos and was Melissa or any of the board kept in this loop before Innovative and Polaris were notified that they had not made the cut?
Just wondering.
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Begin forwarded message:
From: "Aaron Skog" <aaron.skog(a)railslibraries.info<mailto:aaron.skog@railslibraries.info>>
To: "swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom@list.swanlibraries.net>" <swancom(a)list.swanlibraries.net<mailto:swancom@list.swanlibraries.net>>
Subject: [SWANcom] SWAN ILS Search Update: Three Vendors in Round 2
SWAN Member Libraries & Task Force Groups:
The SWAN ILS Committee met last week for two days and reviewed the five vendor proposals in response to the SWAN RFP for its next integrated library system software. The Committee has selected three vendors based on scoring outlined on in our RFP (pages 24 & 25).
The three vendors that will be scheduled for software demonstrations will be (listed in alphabetical order):
*Equinox Software
Any scoring used within the ILS Committee for the second phase will be set to “zero” so please keep in mind that there are no front runners with the three vendors. All are on equal footing for the next round of the process, which will include feedback from the seven Task Force groups.
The dates for the software demonstrations requested Task Force groups to reserve October 3 & 4, October 7 & 8, and October 10 & 11. The vendors attending those dates has not been set as they are being arranged with this announcement. As soon as they are set and the days agendas are prepared you will be able to register for the events in the Library Learning (L2) calendar. Library staff will have an opportunity to attend upon registration and have questions answered during the demonstrations.
The vendors Innovative Interfaces and Polaris have been notified about the results of our process.
Information on the ILS search can be found online under the Migration Bulletin menu:
Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056
Pizza is ok with me.
Sent from my iPad
On Sep 9, 2013, at 6:33 PM, "Aaron Skog" <aaron.skog(a)railslibraries.info> wrote:
> SWAN Board Members:
> The Thursday 9/12 meeting packet is now available for you – unfortunately I could not post this packet online as there remains an unresolved issue with the SWAN website. I have attached it to this email instead. Once the site is fixed for our meeting I will have the document posted there. Glenwood-Lynwood has the meeting information posted per OMA (as does our Burr Ridge office).
> The packet is 44 pages long. Because this is an afternoon meeting held immediately after the Quarterly, lunch will be provided. We are planning on www.sanfratellos.com for delivery so please review the menu to let Brande or I know by Thursday morning if you need anything special ordered, or if pizza will be ok.
> We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!
> Aaron Skog
> SWAN Executive Director
> 125 Tower Drive
> Burr Ridge, IL 60527
> Phone: 630.734.5122
> Fax: 630.734.5056
> aaron.skog(a)railslibraries.info<mailto:aaron.skog@railslibraries.info>
> http://support.swanlibraries.net
> <packet2013-09-12.pdf>
SWAN Board Members:
The Thursday 9/12 meeting packet is now available for you - unfortunately I could not post this packet online as there remains an unresolved issue with the SWAN website. I have attached it to this email instead. Once the site is fixed for our meeting I will have the document posted there. Glenwood-Lynwood has the meeting information posted per OMA (as does our Burr Ridge office).
The packet is 44 pages long. Because this is an afternoon meeting held immediately after the Quarterly, lunch will be provided. We are planning on www.sanfratellos.com for delivery so please review the menu to let Brande or I know by Thursday morning if you need anything special ordered, or if pizza will be ok.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!
Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056
SWAN Board:
I was interviewed last week prior to my vacation by a reporter from the Chicago Tribune about the Elmhurst Public Library leaving SWAN. I apologize if this is a surprise to you all but I expected the reporter to at least let me know the article was complete and that my quotes were correct. I have no idea really how she got my quotes accurate, but I assume I was recorded. I found out from Brande the article was online while I was on vacation.
Overall I think this article went further than I expected. She put in some effort contacting other libraries.
Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056
SWAN Board,
Just a quick note, Dee Brennan shared that RAILS has received another APC grant payment. Jim Kregor has noted FY13 is on a faster timetable for receiving funds compared to the year prior.
Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056