SWAN Member Libraries:


The December Quarterly agenda and packet for this Thursday’s meeting are now available for you:



The meeting will be live streamed as well, at http://live.railslibraries.info/


Please note that SWAN posted a Q&A regarding the addition of new member libraries from LINC and MAGIC. This Q & A was sent out via our SWAN E-News last week on Wednesday, but I wanted to note it again in advance of the Thursday meeting. There are 16 questions we have provided written answers to. Not to be missed!




Lastly, the SWAN Membership communication survey will be extended one week through December 8th. Response has been relatively low, if you can take a moment to respond, we would love to hear from you.



I hope you all had a great holiday. See you Thursday!


Aaron Skog
Executive Director
aaron@swanlibraries.net • (630)326-7022

SWAN Library Services
125 Tower Drive, Burr Ridge, IL 60527
swanlibraries.net • catalog.swanlibraries.net