SWAN Library Staff:
The Symphony server was restarted Saturday at 7:00PM (I am still not certain why I wrote in my 4:20PM SWANcom that it would be “Sunday”) and a portion of the reindexing took place last night.
This means library staff will continue to see errors in Workflows related to searching. However, there should not be as many as we continue to process these in batches. For example, records that staff added this week may not be fully searchable today, and when doing a browse search, you may see the message “Heading keys need to be indexed first.”
For library staff on Sunday: if you encounter any problems, please send them to help@swanlibraries.net or if you encounter a major problem (circulation down, wide-spread problems within your library) you can call 630-734-5153 and the call will be directed to our emergency support.
Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056