+++Please route to appropriate staff+++
The setting to display existing checkouts, holds, and/or bills in the Charge/Checkout wizard was turned on this past Tuesday. SWAN
IT did not see a negative impact on the server and we did not receive any reports of slowdowns. We are going to leave this setting on and continue to monitor the server. Please continue to report any issues you may experience with WorkFlows.
The setting to display existing checkouts, holds, and/or bills in the Charge/Checkout wizard will be turned on first thing tomorrow morning, August 8, 2017. Please let us know if you start to experience any issues
with WorkFlows.
+++Please route to appropriate staff+++
There is a setting in WorkFlows that will allow staff to see any existing checkouts, holds, and/or bills a patron may have when you view their account in the Charge/Checkout wizard. We will be turning this setting on for SWAN Tuesday, August
8 as a stress test. If you start to experience issues with WorkFlows Tuesday, please let us know so we can turn the setting off. The change will require a halt and run but that can be done rather quickly.
When we first went live on Symphony, SirsiDynix told us this setting was meant to be used by standalone libraries and would most likely cause huge delays for us due to our size. As LINC and MAGIC both use this setting without any impact
to Workflows (and they are not standalones), we want to try implementing this expanded display to see if the size of the SWAN database will slow down our instance of WorkFlows.
Vickie Totton
Consultant, Member Services
vickie@swanlibraries.net • (630)326-8714
**Please note my new contact information**
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net •