++Please route to appropriate staff++


We are now ready to make good on our promise to clean up the Long In Transit items!


Any item that was set in transit prior to January 1, 2017 is now checked out to MISSTRNSIT. We will use the following schedule to continue to process the long in transit items until everything that has been in transit for more than 30 days is checked out to MISSTRNSIT.



Month/Year item was put in transit


January 2017


February 2017


March 2017


April 2017


May 2017


June 2017


July 2017


August 2017


September 2017


October 2017


Starting Monday December 18 a report will be run on a daily basis that will checkout any item in transit for more than 30 days to MISSTRNSIT. Once an item is in transit to fill a hold, no other item will fulfill the hold. Checking out items in transit for more than 30 day will put the hold back at the top of the hold queue.


In January we will send you a final shelf check report of items that were set in transit prior to January 1, 2017. Those items will be discarded at the end of January.

Vickie Totton
Consultant, Member Services
vickie@swanlibraries.net • (630)326-8714

**Please note my new contact information**

SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net • catalog.swanlibraries.net