+++ Please route to appropriate personnel +++


Attached is the Agenda for the SWAN Circ Advisory meeting being held at Eisenhower PLD at 9:30 AM on Wednesday, Sept. 20th.  Please note the meeting has been moved from RAILS to Eisenhower PLD. http://www.eisenhowerlibrary.org/  

 Thanks to Cindy and Debbie for volunteering to bring treats. 


Also you will find an attachment for the Minutes for the last meeting held on July 17th.  


Everyone is invited to attend, hope to see you at Eisenhower PLD.  


Kate Boyle
Member Services Manager
kate@swanlibraries.net • (630)326-8617

SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net • catalog.swanlibraries.net