+++ Please route to appropriate personnel +++
Everyone –
If the decision has been made to close your library due to the extreme weather or any other reason, please update the RAILS Emergency closing webpage. http://www.railslibraries.info/members/closings Sign into the form using your L2 (www.librarylearning.info) username and password.
SWAN staff will be updating the “Days Closed” table in SWAN based upon the closings that are reported. We have added this task into our daily list of tasks in order to allow you to only report your emergency closing once. By updating the “Days Closed” table your patrons will not be assessed overdue fines for the day.
If you are planning an extended closing, please report that to our offices by phone 630-734-5153 or email help@swanlibraries.net in order for us to consult with you regarding the finer details.
Hang in there, Winter does eventually turn into Spring.
Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056