After receiving feedback from various member libraries and discussions with the Cataloging Advisory Group and Design and User Experience (DUX) Group, we have decided to make a change in the Fiction/Nonfiction facet.
Poetry and Drama materials -- previously coded as Fiction -- will now be coded as Nonfiction.
There were many reasons for the change, including patron expectation, shelving and classification, and precedent set by current cataloging practices.
Data cleanup is complete and extends to any bibliographic record containing a fixed field code 'p' (Poetry) or 'd' (Drama) in the Literary Text or Literary Form fields. Due to the number of records affected, however, re-indexing has been spread out over a few days with the final records scheduled for tonight. All affected records should be properly searchable by tomorrow.
Please make the appropriate adjustment to your pre-cat creation procedures. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the change, but we believe it will better serve our libraries and your patrons.
Thank you.