As announced previously, SWAN has scheduled downtime for the weekend of December 3rd and December 4th


Over the last week, a number of SWAN libraries have asked SWAN to add these dates to their Days Closed calendar.   After discussing the advantages of using the Days Closed calendar for this planned downtime; SWAN Member Services recommends that all libraries change their calendar to closed on Dec. 3rd and 4th.  Doing so, will have distinct advantages:


·       You will not have any materials due back to your library on those dates when you are using Offline Circulation and are not checking in materials.    

·       Returned materials will not collect any fines for the weekend when you check them in on Monday. 

·       Items on your hold shelf that would have had a pickup by date of the 3rd or 4th will instead receive a pickup by date of Dec 5th.


For these reasons, we are proactively updating the Days Closed table for all SWAN libraries to Closed on Dec. 3rd and 4th


This does not mean that you should close your library, it just means that the software will think you are closed on those dates and will not assign those dates as due dates to materials you will be circulating to patrons.  


If you should have any questions, or would prefer that we do not update your Days Closed Calendar, please contact us at



Thank you and have a great weekend.


Kate Boyle
Member Services Manager • (630)326-8617

SWAN Library Services
125 Tower Drive, Burr Ridge, IL 60527 •