SWAN Member Libraries and Information Technology Staff:


We’ve received a few questions about available services this morning, specifically with regard to PC Reservation, MyPC, and Room Reservation tools.


To clarify, for the current 78 SWAN libraries, any services internal to the library that connect over SIP2, such as PC Reservation, MyPC, self-checkout, AMH and some payment services will be unavailable today during the database rebuild.

External services that connect over Web Services or vendor-based SIP2 connections, such as room reservation, electronic media, and database services should remain mostly accessible with only intermittent outages.


New 19 libraries will have slightly different availability.


For the full list of available services for both the new 19 and current 78 libraries, please refer to the link below.



Thank you,

SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help@swanlibraries.net
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)