Hello Member libraries –
This is a reminder that our new EBSCO selection form is live and should be complete by end of day
Friday, June 14.
The previous selection form, Package B, which was available between April and May 2024 is no longer applicable. All previously submitted data has been disregarded. That package no longer exists. With the statewide deal becoming available
sooner than previously anticipated, it is imperative to let SWAN know how you will proceed with your database offerings.
If this is the first time you are hearing this, please review our webinar slides from Tuesday, June 11 below:
There was also a recording of that webinar available at the Zoom link below:
Pricing and the EBSCO selection form is available on our SWAN News page:
To see where other SWAN member libraries are in the opt-in, opt-out phase, please see our results page:
Pricing and information above are for public libraries in SWAN only. We have yet to hear from about half of the members. Please note that if we do not get enough participants in the SWAN all-inclusive package, that it may no longer be an
option. Please select a backup package or indicate that you want nothing at all.
Everyone is getting the resources in the statewide package. These new options exist to complement your library’s database content and to ensure that Consumer Reports and NoveList Plus are not lost.
If you have any questions, please contact
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
Email: help@swanlibraries.net
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)
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