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SWAN Libraries—
To make EBSCO Discovery Service available in its most complete form, EBSCO has asked that each SWAN library complete the Partner Database Questionnaire (PDQ). By completing the Questionnaire, you’ll make all current database subscriptions available to your patrons in EDS. If EDS has not been activated for your library and you would like to opt-in, please submit a ticket to the SWAN Help Desk.
Additionally, completing the PDQ will allow EBSCO to add each database to OpenAthens, ensuring patrons are able to use their barcode and PIN to access resources rather than a unique ID and Password for each separate service. The questionnaire is short, but there is an option to save your progress and return later. If you have any issues or questions about the PDQ, please contact Joseph via email (joseph@swanlibraries.net).
Please ensure your library only completes one questionnaire. Multiple questionnaires will result in incomplete results.
Click here to access the EBSCO Partner Database Questionnaire.