SWAN Libraries –
We are getting ready to send out your BLUEcloud Analytics logins. We need to make sure your XXX@notices.swanlibraries.net generic email alias is up to date. SWAN uses this email address to send out information pertaining to library directors and managers. You can have up to 3 staff email addresses linked to your XXX@notices.swanlibraries.net .
Please follow the directions below to edit your email alias:
1. Go to our support website at support.swanlibraries.net
2. Login using your L2 Library Learning credentials
3. Go to the Web Forms tab > then Edit Aliased Email
4. If needed, edit or add the email address(s) you would like linked to XXX@notices.swanlibraries.net . The majority of our libraries include their directors and managers only.
Please update them by Friday 7/15/16. If you have any questions, email Joseph Miller at joseph.miller@railslibraries.info .
Lauren Levaggi
SWAN Member Services Support Analyst
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5155
Fax: 630.734.5056