SWAN Libraries,
The National Change of Address (NCOA) Patron Database Cleanup project will begin end of day tomorrow, Wednesday, December 12, 2018. UMS will process our patron records through the USPS NCOA database and return them to us for processing
on Friday afternoon. The bulk of the work will be completed Saturday night, though we will continue updating patron formatting into next week.
Beginning Thursday, there will be a freeze on updating the following fields in the Addresses tab:
Any changes made to these fields between Wednesday night and Saturday morning will be overwritten when the records are processed. Please keep a list of any changes to these fields that are requested by the patron during this period
of processing. Updates can then be entered when the freeze is lifted.
Please note, only records that have a User Category Type of PATRON or blank will be included. Records with the following User Profiles will be excluded from the update:
Joseph Miller
Project Manager
joseph@swanlibraries.net • (630) 326-7109
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net •