Start your countdown for a mobile-friendly catalog! The upgrade to Enterprise 5.0.1 will go live on Wednesday, December 18th.
You can register for our member update and Q&A, which will be held online through GoToMeeting on Tuesday, December 10th at 1:30 pm. We will demonstrate features coming as outlined below, review the upgrade process, and answer member questions during the online member update. If you are not able to attend this session, a recording will be available through the SWAN support site.
Preview the New Catalog Register for the Enterprise Q&A
This release will feature a new layout that will adapt to fit mobile devices. This means your users will see a slightly different version of the catalog depending on if they are on a desktop, tablet, or phone. To preview how this will work:
A few differences to keep in mind as you are supporting patrons:
To better accommodate the new mobile display and to help users more easily identify what is on shelf at your library or what they'll need to place a hold on, the Discovery and User Experience Group (DUX) developed several changes to the search results holdings display. Please note these will appear on desktop and mobile displays.
Currently, users see a table of all holdings at your library. Going forward, users will only see copies listed that are on shelf. If you have no copies on shelf, the catalog will display "no copies at (your library)" if you do not own the item, or "all copies in use" if you own the item and no copies are on shelf.
There are copies your library owns, and they are available to check out.
Your library does not own any copies of this item.
Your library owns copies, but they aren't available to check out.
SirsiDynix has included some improvements to accessibility in this release. In addition, SWAN has decided to turn on accessibility mode by default. Accessibility mode enables features that allow the catalog to work with screen readers and other assistive technologies. In the current version of the catalog, accessibility mode is enabled through a small link.
The next Enterprise release, 5.0.2, will include more significant improvements for accessibility and improved compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG) 2.0 and 2.1.
In addition, the responsive design will improve the appearance of the catalog when a user magnifies the screen through their web browser, tablet, or phone.
Users can now suspend and re-enable holds for Overdrive items.