SWAN Member Libraries:


The news I have for you today is that SWAN’s Bibliographic Services Manager Karen Bar is leaving SWAN for a new life in the Florida Keys. I think that we can all agree Karen has earned this relocation through her tireless efforts in leading us through the consortia software migration. SWAN will  begin its search for our next manager starting today as we still have a few months before Karen finally relocates. We do not have a final date yet set for Karen as she has offered SWAN some flexibility so we can find a new replacement.


In addition to this position opening at SWAN, I wanted to highlight another opening for a full-time cataloging position within SWAN. This is an entirely new position I wanted to make sure to note this for SWAN libraries. Both positions are listed below.


SWAN Bibliographic Services Manager - SWAN Library Consortium



Bibliographic Services Consultant (Lead Cataloger) - SWAN Library Consortium



If you have any questions, please contact Brande Overbey at brande.overbey@railslibraries.info or (630) 734-5164.



Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056