One of the effects of the de-duplication process is an update of the Title Control Number (TCN) for the bib record. The bills that are associated with items pull the item information from the TCN. If the TCN has been changed due to the merge of bib records the bill is no longer able to pull in the title and item ID for the bill. When you attempt to pay bills like this you will receive a database error message and we need to have SirsiDynix re-attach the bill to a bib record.
SirsiDynix has been updating these bills proactively by assigning them to a “Title Deleted” bib record. In the course of running this fix today there were approximately 10,000 bills that mistakenly updated to the Title Deleted bib record. SirsiDynix alerted us to the issue and they are in the process of fixing it. They anticipate it should be resolved by late this afternoon.