SWAN Member Libraries & Task Force Groups:


The SWAN ILS Committee met last week for two days and reviewed the five vendor proposals in response to the SWAN RFP for its next integrated library system software.  The Committee has selected three vendors based on scoring outlined on in our RFP (pages 24 & 25).


The three vendors that will be scheduled for software demonstrations will be (listed in alphabetical order):


*Equinox Software




Any scoring used within the ILS Committee for the second phase will be set to “zero” so please keep in mind that there are no front runners with the three vendors. All are on equal footing for the next round of the process, which will include feedback from the seven Task Force groups.


The dates for the software demonstrations requested Task Force groups to reserve October 3 & 4, October 7 & 8, and October 10 & 11. The vendors attending those dates has not been set as they are being arranged with this announcement. As soon as they are set and the days agendas are prepared you will be able to register for the events in the Library Learning (L2) calendar. Library staff will have an opportunity to attend upon registration and have questions answered during the demonstrations.


The vendors Innovative Interfaces and Polaris have been notified about the results of our process.


Information on the ILS search can be found online under the Migration Bulletin menu:





Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056