+++ Please forward to appropriate personnel (interlibrary loan staff) +++
Everyone –
Just passing along a tip from OCLC on ILL processing with a reminder to update your catalog link. The SWAN catalog new URL is http://catalog.swanlibraries.net . You can update this information yourself in the OCLC Service Configuration area or submit an online form to OCLC support and they will update the catalog link for your library. This catalog linking will allow a potential borrower to view the status of the item they are requesting before they enter your library in the lender’s string. Save yourself some work and update your catalog link today.
Everyone have a great week.
Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056
From: Oliver,Sonya [mailto:olivers@oclc.org]
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 7:29 AM
To: OCLC-SHARING-L@oclc.org
Subject: [OCLC-SHARING-L] WorldShare ILL Tip of the Week: Save staff time by using library catalog links to confirm availability
Importance: High
The new OCLC WorldShare® Interlibrary Loan service lets ILL staff link to library catalogs to confirm availability of items requested through interlibrary loan.
Ø Borrowers can link from a staff workform to confirm local availability before initiating a request and can link to potential lender catalogs to determine availability before including them in the lending string.
Ø Lenders can link to their own catalogs from lending requests to quickly determine whether requested items are available for loan. For example, WorldShare ILL users will see the following options for linking to library catalogs:
Search my library’s online catalog (links to your own catalog)
Library names in Holdings list hotlinked for libraries with catalog links in OCLC Service Configuration
To effectively use this library catalog linking feature in WorldShare ILL, borrowing and lending libraries must maintain up-to-date catalog links in the “Online Catalog” area of the WorldCat Registry settings in OCLC Service Configuration:
To make sure links to your library’s catalog are working as they should, either log on to OCLC Service Configuration to review and update your links or let OCLC staff make the updates for you.
1. Ask OCLC staff to update links to your library’s catalog. OCLC staff with experience in setting up these links will set up links to your library’s catalog for you. Just complete the catalog link information form with the needed information, and we will do the rest!
Your updated library catalog link information will be active in WorldShare ILL by the end of the business day following your submission.
2. Update library catalog links yourself. If you already have an account to access OCLC Service Configuration, log on to the site at http://www.worldcat.org/config and navigate to the “Online Catalog” area of the section for WorldCat Registry settings. You will see the option to “Suggest Links.” This tool will help you confirm that the links you enter are in the appropriate format for the type of catalog at your library. Once you enter your updated link data, it will be active within 24 hours.
For additional information about setting up or updating links to your library’s catalog:
· Consult the “Online Catalog” area of the WorldCat Registry section of the OCLC Service Configuration Guide documentation
· Contact OCLC Customer Support at support@oclc.org or OCLC Support in your region for assistance with using Article Exchange for document delivery.
P.S. Previous WorldShare ILL “Tip of the Week” messages are available for your review on the OCLC website.