A number of you may have already received the following email from Demond Warfield, RAILS Delivery Liaison, requesting your participation in a count of items being shipped from your library next week. 


Demond has asked me to forward his email to our email lists.   


As a point of clarification -   please count every item you place in the delivery bins  (whether it belongs to you or not, whether it is an ILDS return, whether it is just material dropped in your book drop that you are sending home).  If you put it in the bin to be picked up, please count it.   I know the form states pieces, but don’t count pieces in a puzzle or individual DVD’s in a set.  If it is one item (DVD set, CD collection), please count it once.


Good luck with the count.   Remember to pick a random item a day for tracking.   It is probably easiest to track a book because you can slip the paper in the item .   Thank you for your cooperation in advance. 


Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056

From: Demond Warfield
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 11:46 AM
To: routeburrridge@list.railslibraries.info
Cc: Mark Hatch; Kate Boyle; Jane Plass
Subject: Item count and random sampling


March 24, 2014


Dear RAILS Burr Ridge area libraries, 


As you are all aware, RAILS began outsourcing sorting and delivery services for libraries served by our Burr Ridge service center in January 2014.  These services are now provided through a contract RAILS has with Continental Transportation Solutions (CTS).  In an effort to ensure that delivery materials are being sorted accurately and that our libraries continue to receive the best delivery service possible, we would like to get a good estimate of the number of items that are processed on a daily basis.  We need you help to accomplish this goal.


During the week of March 31 – April 4, 2014, RAILS is asking that each library provide an accurate count of all items (books, DVDs, etc.) that are sent out from your library through the CTS delivery service.  You do not need to count items delivered to your library from CTS, only those items that you are sending out.


We understand that it will involve extra time for staff at your library to count delivery items for a week and will do whatever we can to help you with this task.  Attached in this correspondence you will find a copy of the log to track your items.  At the top of the document, it states “library name”, please update it with your library name. 


In addition to the above, RAILS would like to also incorporate random sampling of your ILL items.  This process will allow RAILS to track and record inter-library transportation times.  Attached in this correspondence as well, you will find a form used for tracking items.  The sending library should fill out the top part of the form and enclose it with the item.  For sampling purposes, please track one (1) item per day.  The receiving library should fill out the lower half of the form to include the date.  Upon completion, the form (s) should be sent using one of the below methods.  


The preferred method of sending your results is email at Demond.Warfield@railslibraries.info.  However; if you choose to fax them, you may send it to 630-734-5050.


Thank you in in advance for your cooperation and understanding.  The counts we receive from you will be of great help to RAILS in ensuring that we continue to offer high-quality delivery service.




Demond Warfield
Facility Manager/Delivery Liaison
Reaching Across Illinois Library System
Burr Ridge Office
Phone: 630.734.5142
Fax: 630.734.5050