At the end of 2016, SWAN surveyed its members about communication
preferences and how you'd evaluate the communications outlets we've created.
We also asked about services and outlets you may be interested in. After
reviewing the survey and strategizing changes SWAN could make in 2017, we
reviewed the plan with SWAN staff and the SWAN Board. Now we're sharing these
recommendations with you. Attached to this news post, you can see the survey
results, as well as the PowerPoint presentation that walks through the survey
results and recommended strategies.
To summarize, here are the short-term and long-term actions due within
three months, and also by the end of December 2017:
Short-term communications actions due at end of March
Help Desk and Access to SWAN Support
- Linking to the Help Desk and updating the Help info on the support
- Re-writing language in Help Desk automated responses for opening and
closing tickets
- Updating the automatic responses or updates received when SWAN staff are
interacting with the ticket (submitting a question, SWAN staff working on the
question, the question being answered, the ticket being closed)
- Giving directions for how to escalate a ticket all the way up to
SWAN Support Website
- Create/update staff pages
- Remove outdated documentation
- Standardized website publishing
- Links to the Help Desk and update the Help section
- Banner at top of site for updates
- Project status updates
- Update menu links
User Groups and Special Interests Groups
- Share 2017 meeting calendar
- Agree on way to share/distribute meeting updates afterwards (similar to
the meeting summaries and posted video after the Quarterly? Minutes from the
meeting? Notes from a note-taker? Notes from the chair?) Email lists?
Email Lists and Forums
- Consolidating email lists into MailChimp to discover analytics
- Training staff to use MailChimp
- Identifying SWAN-member audiences and how to engage with them
- Standardized information to include, as well as subject line
- Transitioning the News from SWAN newsletter to a more member-focused
email, and using SWANcoms, SWANcirc, SWANtech, Cataloging for specific
information updates
- Remove outdated documentation from support website
- Regularly share new documentation available through email lists, support
website, and during membership meetings
Long-term actions due at end of December 2017
Help Desk and Access to SWAN Support
- Deciding how to funnel out FAQ’s and other updates/answers to the
membership after a Help Desk ticket is answered
- Establishing a SWAN Service Level Agreement tied to communication:
expectations for time to close a ticket and the quality of answer
- Include a short 1-5 rating at the end of a ticket-closed form to rate the
answer received
- Create more ongoing short surveys around improving SWAN support
SWAN Support Website
- Creation of and moderating forums
- Website redesign
User Groups and Special Interests Groups
Email Lists and Forums
- Creation of and moderating forums
- Support website improvements and redesign
- Plans to standardize documentation
Social Media
Accounts will be kept active and periodically
updated, but this won’t be an immediate focus for 2017.
If you have questions or concerns, please email Susan Ricker, SWAN's
Library Relations Specialist, at