The deadline for the ILLINET Traffic Survey is March 31, 2019. The FY2018 (July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018) data has been pulled together to assist in completing the survey worksheet.
Please see the detailed instructions and links to the composite report, called a dossier, in BLUEcloud Analytics within the Reports and Statistics documents - ILLINET Traffic Survey. The dossier is available in BLUEcloud Analytics under the SWAN Reports > IPLAR > ILLINET Traffic Survey folder.
For the libraries that joined SWAN in May, 2018, please note that the instructions for the traffic survey request estimated totals. For purposes of the FY2018 survey, these libraries can multiply their totals by 6 to derive a 12 month estimate. Libraries can also combine their 10-month data from their prior consortium with the 2 month SWAN data, if available.