SWAN Library Administrators and Information Technology Staff:


Just a quick reminder – SWAN is currently coordinating a group purchase with EnvisionWare for the One-Stop 2.0 self-checkout software.


This software can be used to replace an existing Innovative Express Lane installation prior to our SirsiDynix migration, OR, if your library does not currently have any self-check software or if you’re thinking about upgrading from your current configuration, this is a terrific opportunity to join in on the significantly discounted pricing. We already have a handful of libraries participating, but as more libraries join in, we will see even greater discounts for the entire group.


Please contact me directly if you would like additional information about the group purchase or if you’re interested in participating. We’re looking to collect responses from interested libraries by early November so that we can roll out the software as soon as possible.


Thank you,


Steven Schlewitt
SWAN IT Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5130
Fax: 630.734.5056