SWAN Member Libraries and Information Technology Staff:
If you’ve received the message below as a part of the Baker & Taylor Axis360 subscription, feel free to disregard it. This change has been made on the SWAN firewall and we’ve already reached out to Baker & Taylor to perform the testing
No further change is needed by library staff.
Thanks to those libraries that made us aware of the update!
Steven Schlewitt
Information Technology Manager
steven@swanlibraries.net • 630-326-5993
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
swanlibraries.net •
Updated: Mandatory IP Address Change
The Axis 360 Team is pleased to announce that we are moving Axis 360 services to a 100% cloud-based environment in May 2018. Moving Axis 360 to the cloud will provide benefits in scalability as Axis 360 continues to grow, with bi-coastal data centers delivering
dynamic support for peak utilization periods, 24/7 performance monitoring, support for global access, and best-of-breed cloud service tools and search capabilities.
As part of this move, you will need to whitelist several new IP addresses with your firewall. If you don't do this, your patrons will lose access to all of your Axis 360 content.
Please note that these IP addresses are different from the ones sent in a previous communication.
Don't panic! If the above paragraph doesn't make sense to you, just contact your IT staff. They will be able to easily whitelist these IP addresses for you. Remember, you'll need to send us an email with valid login credentials (step 2 below) once you've whitelisted
the IP addresses so we can make sure everything works correctly on our end.
We will be performing tests during the week of April 16th to ensure a smooth transition, but encourage you to submit your information as soon as possible.
Action Items
If you have any questions about this process, feel free to reach out to us at
Thank you!
The Axis 360 Team