+++ Please route to appropriate personnel +++


Just a reminder that the SWAN Circ Advisory Committee election closes at noon tomorrow.


Libraries that have not voted yet are:

BCS,      BKS,      BIS,        BRS,      BKS,       BZS,       CCS,       CAS,       CHS,       CIS,        CNS,      DOS,     EVS,      FMS,     FPS,       HSS,       JDS,       LYS,       MTS,      MCS,     MDS,    NRS,      NLS,       OPS,      PHS,       PPS,       PFS,       PTS,       RPS,                 SPS,       SHS,      SAS,       THS,      PSS,       ROS


There is one vote per library.  The person casting the ballot should be the staff member supervising Circulation.  


Deadline:  Noon on Friday, Oct. 18th.


Each library should cast a ballot for five representatives.   This year we have one vacancy representing Committee A, two vacancies representing Committee B, two vacancies representing Committee C.   We are also filling the At-Large representative position ( to be filled by the candidate with the highest vote total after all other seats are filled).


The ballot:   http://fs8.formsite.com/SWANServices/form130/index.html


Thank you for your participation.    If you should have any questions, don’t hesitate to call.  



Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056