Hello Library directors & administrators—


Just a reminder that the first SWAN Quarterly meeting of 2022 is scheduled for today at 10 a.m. and will be held virtually.



You can also dial in using your phone: (571) 317-3122 Access Code: 593-454-013



Additionally, the packet was revised this morning to reflect the following:


SWAN fee chart: the fees adjusted slightly for everyone, with Roselle Public Library District going up due to incomplete Cook County taxes, which have now been adjusted. The effect is the majority of your have fees decreasing by a few dollars (except for Roselle, sorry Sam!).


SWAN EBSCO year-3 renewal: this chart was added after the SWAN fees section. We now have finalized negotiations with EBSCO for the group-purchase increase at 2%, which is lower than the anticipated 3% increase. The chart is after exhibit page 32.



Here is a link to the packet:



See you at 10 a.m.!


Aaron Skog

Executive Director

aaron@swanlibraries.net • 630-326-7022

My pronouns: he/him/his


SWAN Library Services

800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
