Hello Member Libraries,


As mentioned at today’s Committee of the Whole meeting, SWAN has formed a PR & Marketing task force to help create marketing materials for both library staff and patrons regarding our upcoming migration. We are working diligently on a variety of materials and have a few things to share.


First, if you would like to include a PR blurb into your fall newsletters to patrons, here is a short message that we have created for your use:


New Library Catalog Coming This Spring

Members who enjoy using the library catalog to find and order books will have a lot more to like, starting this spring.  Your Name Library, in connection with other public libraries in the SWAN library consortium, will switch over to a new software system in April 2015. The catalog will be easier to search and will offer many new features to enhance your library experience. Our newsletter and other member communications will provide more details as they become available. Using your library is about to get even better.



Other PR tools that will be coming out for you in the coming months:

·        A clickable migration image for your catalog. When clicked, this image will bring your patron to a SWAN migration FAQ page, which we will continually update as questions arise.

·        A monthly newsletter for library staff, beginning in January 2015, with pertinent migration info such as training dates, expectations, answers to common questions, and tips to share with patrons. This will be sent to you in a PDF version so that you can share it with your staff electronically or via printed copy.

·        A monthly bookmark for your patrons, beginning in February 2015.  These will be printed by SWAN for distribution by your front desk staff. They will share with patrons the basics of the new system (attractive new features), and other necessary information such as changing logins.

·        Printable self-check signage about the migration, in case your patrons don’t visit the front desk. You can also leave bookmarks by the self-check too if you like. We will make sure to capture any necessary info such as login changes with this signage.


If you have any marketing questions for SWAN, including suggestions or requests, please feel free to contact me at any time.


Thank you,


Brande Redfield
SWAN Office Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5164
Fax: 630.734.5056