

If you receive an email from EBSCO about a password change to the EDS API, disregard it. Please don’t make the change. If you did, don’t worry; send an email to help@swanlibraries to let us know. The EDS API password is the unique password that we use at SWAN to integrate EDS with Enterprise. We will change them before the expiration date. Here’s a sample of the email:



The current password used to access your EBSCO account(s) listed below is about to expire. To ensure continued access, please reset your password before the expiration date by logging in to EBSCOadmin. Notifications are sent to all library administrators beginning 15 days before the password expires. Additional reminders occur seven days prior and then daily for five days before the final expiration. Once the password has been reset, the email reminders stop.

Important Note: Even if you do not use the Username and Password to directly access your products, services using the EDS API Integration, like Curriculum Builder, may rely on the password.

Customer ID

User ID

Expire Date (EST)




Thank you!


Robin Hofstetter

Consultant, Electronic Resources

robin@swanlibraries.net • 630-326-7823

My pronouns: they/them/theirs


SWAN Library Services

800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559
