SWAN Libraries:
After a rigorous and lengthy search process, we are very pleased to announce that we are moving forward with a new Bib Services Manager to join us as Karen Bar’s replacement. Scott Brandwein will be starting with us on Monday June 20th.
Scott comes to us fresh from New York City – he just moved to Chicago about a month ago. There, he worked for many years at the New York Public Library as a Senior Cataloging Librarian as a NACO-certified cataloger working on the NACO Music Project. He also worked for Media Radar, where he supervised a team as the Managing Acquisitions Librarian and helped to create a database and cataloging procedures for newspaper, magazines and advertisements. Scott received his BA in Music History from Oberlin and his MLS from Indiana University. We are excited to add Scott’s cataloging, leadership, and technology expertise to the SWAN staff.
Please join us in welcoming Scott to our team! He can be reached at the same direct phone number many of you used to contact Karen Bar, or at scott.brandwein@railslibraries.info for email correspondence.
Aaron Skog
SWAN Executive Director
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5122
Fax: 630.734.5056