SWAN Member Library Staff:
We’re pleased to announce that all eRC (eResource Central) Harvest tasks have been reenabled in the Enterprise Catalog, and are processing in harmony with the standard Enterprise full and delta catalog harvests. We’re currently seeing a 100% success rate for all Enterprise harvest tasks.
To recap the history of this case, we began our investigation in late August when intermittent Enterprise Catalog harvest failures resulted in incomplete searchable data. As noted in a support post on August 22, we discovered that eRC harvest tasks were colliding with our regularly scheduled Enterprise Catalog harvests, causing them to shift from their schedule or fail outright.
As a result, on August 24th, we suspended all eRC harvests to Enterprise while we collaborated with SirsiDynix to ensure not only that our standard catalog harvests were running properly and on schedule, but also that the eRC harvests would no longer conflict with the catalog harvests once reenabled.
Typically, eRC harvests are triggered by the vendor (Overdrive, Hoopla, etc.) updating their collection. Once new items are added, a harvest task is kicked off in Enterprise to reflect these new items within Enterprise. This becomes problematic in a consortial environment since every eRC enabled vendor can generate an eRC harvest task for every subscribing library. This meant that there were nearly 160 potential eRC harvest tasks that we could not schedule or prioritize for the SWAN libraries.
We worked with SirsiDynix support staff to determine if there was some way to consolidate these harvest tasks. Hoopla was the first vendor we considered, seeing as Hoopla has a very large collection, but does not vary between the subscribing libraries. On October 3rd, SirsiDynix successfully merged the Hoopla eRC harvests, reducing 20 unique harvest tasks to a single harvest task shared between the subscribing libraries.
After the successful consolidation of the Hoopla harvest, SirsiDynix proceeded to consolidate 33 Overdrive subscribers sharing the MediaOnDemand collection. On October 9, the merged Overdrive harvest was enabled, and other Overdrive harvests were reenabled on October 12.
The remaining eRC harvest tasks (Axis360, RBDigital, etc) were unsuspended on October 18. By consolidating the Overdrive and Hoopla harvest tasks, we were able to reduce the number of live eRC harvest tasks by 33%. With this reduction in harvest tasks, our Enterprise Catalog harvests have been running successfully and on schedule every day.
We thank you all for your continued patience throughout the last several months while we have worked to restructure and improve the predictability and stability of our Enterprise Catalog, and extend our appreciation to SirsiDynix for throwing their development team at the case to see it through to resolution.
SWAN Library Services
800 Quail Ridge Drive - Westmont, IL
Email: help@swanlibraries.net
Phone: 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542)