

We have still not received submissions from some of our SWAN Libraries.   If you have already completed and submitted the Days Closed form, please disregard this email.



Every year around this time we request that libraries notify SWAN of their planned “Days Closed” dates for the coming year.   There is a web form on the SWAN website designed for this purpose.   You need to be logged into the SWAN website to view the form in the dropdown list. http://swan.railslibraries.info/node/add/days-closed   If you haven’t completed this form already, please do so soon.     And please continue to use this form during the year to update the SWAN “Days Closed” table for your In-service days or any other closings not anticipated at this time.      Thank you for your cooperation.    






Lauren Peltier
SWAN Member Services Support Analyst
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5155
Fax: 630.734.5056