+++ Please route to appropriate personnel +++
Everyone –
This morning we are running three Circulation Reports for the first time:
Expire Holds Report – This expires holds that were not filled before their expiration date and sets the hold status to inactive. Your patrons will receive email notification that these holds have been cancelled.
Expire Available Holds Report – This expires holds that have been on the hold shelf for at least seven days and not picked up. This report changes the status of the hold to inactive. Your patrons will receive an email notification that these holds have been cancelled.
Clean Holds Shelf Report - The report for your specific library will be automatically sent to your library generic email. The report should be sorted by user name. This report identifies those items that need to be pulled from the hold shelf and processed. Those items that need to be put “in transit” are updated to “in transit” automatically, you can check in the item if you want to generate an “in transit” slip. Those items that cannot fill another hold and are at their home library, are updated to the item’s home location and can be re-shelved. Those items that can fill another hold at the same library, are updated to “holds”. The next available hold at that library is updated to “available”. Check the item in to generate a hold wrapper or hold slip.
We will be sending more information as needed after we have analyzed these first reports. We anticipate that these reports will be scheduled to run Monday through Friday. We will be running these three reports as soon as possible today.
Kate Boyle
SWAN Member Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5162
Fax: 630.734.5056