+++ Please route to appropriate personnel +++


We have had a number of requests for a Tech Services Department card for materials that are currently housed in that department for repairs, etc.  Please note that you all should currently have a REPAIR user, an ONORDER user, and an INPROC user.  If you feel that you would benefit from having another, unique Tech Services Department card that will assign a current location of TECH_DEPT, we can configure that for you.  When materials are checked out to a user with a profile of TECH_DEPT, the following will be true:

·         Items will display with a current location of TECH_DEPT.

·         The due date will be never.

·         Items will not be holdable.

·         Bills will not generate for these items.

·         The “total charges” counter in the item record will not increment.


If you currently have a Tech Services Department card and want the above statements to be true for that user account, please send an email to help@swanlibraries.net, and we will give you access to the TECH_DEPT user profile.  If you do not have a Tech Services Department card but would like one, please send in those requests as well.


Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  Thank you!


Samantha Dietel
SWAN Member Services Consultant
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5163
Fax: 630.734.5056