To all member libraries:


SirsiDynix and Solus, the vendor that provided support and development for BLUEcloud Mobile, have been unable to come to an agreement that would continue functionality of the current BLUEcloud Mobile app. The current BLUEcloud Mobile app is *not expected to be restored.*


SWAN has been in the process of researching and preparing for a pilot of a new app. Unfortunately, this development with BLUEcloud Mobile means we need to move to a new app much sooner, and the transition will not be as smooth as we would have liked.


We're in discussions with SirsiDynix and other vendors to find the best path forward for our patron-facing mobile app. That said, we anticipate an app will not be available for several weeks and the new app may require patrons to download a new app.


SWAN template for member library messaging to patrons

The vendors that work with SWAN to develop and support the SWAN Libraries App have unexpectedly disabled the app. We're working to get a new app up and running in the new year, but in the meantime, you can use the library catalog on your phone and still access your account and library card for self-checks.


We have outlined some tips for using the catalog on your phone or tablet here, which you can feel free to adapt for your library communications:


We have updated the Known Issues on the SWAN Support site and have news post as well. The Aspen Discovery catalog has been updated with a banner to help library patrons adjust to using Aspen.


The situation is evolving, and we will continue to provide updates.


Aaron Skog

Executive Director • 630-326-7022

My pronouns: he/him/his


SWAN Library Services

800 Quail Ridge Drive, Westmont, IL 60559