Please route to Technical Services/Materials Services Staff:


Attached is a document explaining a method of adding unbarcoded item records to e-book bibliographic records.  This document was created by Amy Weiss of Woodridge Public Library to work with Media on Demand records.  The same method could be used to create item records for any of the e-book subscriptions by choosing the appropriate item template for eRead Illinois, My Media Mall or Emedia Library.


A reminder that you may choose to add unbarcoded item records to e-book bibliographic records so that patrons are aware of your library’s subscription.  You are NOT obligated to do so, however


Many thanks to Amy Weiss for sharing this information!  If you have any questions regarding this method, you may reach Amy at  You may also contact Joy Anhalt of Tinley Park Public Library at and you may contact me as well.


Thank you.


Karen Bar
SWAN Bibliographic Services Manager
125 Tower Drive
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630.734.5138
Fax: 630.734.5056