SWAN Libraries,
This is just a reminder that EBSCO will be presenting its second hour-long webinar to educate library staff on using EDS and OpenAthens. This webinar will be held Tuesday, January 17th from 2:00pm–3:00pm and will address specific questions/feedback from the first webinar, as well as functionality of OpenAthens and advanced EBSCOadmin features. Both webinars will be recorded, and the first recording can be accessed here.
Please follow this L2 link to register yourself or others.
Additionally, if you would like to make EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) and OpenAthens available to your patrons, please submit a ticket to the help desk with the title “EDS Opt-in” and we will schedule time to activate your profile. You can open a help desk ticket by email, sending the message to help@swanlibraries.net.